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What is the meaning for screeched?

What is the meaning for screeched?

intransitive verb. 1 : to utter a high shrill piercing cry : make an outcry usually in terror or pain. 2 : to make a shrill high-pitched sound resembling a screech also : to move with such a sound the car screeched to a stop. transitive verb. : to utter with or as if with a screech.

What is sentence of screeched?

Screeched sentence example Sarah screeched and hugged her. It screeched across the floor a few inches. Sarah jumped up, took both her hands and screeched , “Come with me!” She screeched to a stop at Bird Song and was off almost before he was out of the vehicle.

How do you use sizzle in a sentence?

Sizzle in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Begin by heating the frying pan until drops of water tossed into sizzle.
  2. After hearing the bacon sizzle, my stomach began to grumble and yearn for breakfast.
  3. While sitting around the campfire, the crackling fire began to sizzle.

How can I use screamed in a sentence?

Screamed sentence example

  • The child screamed hoarsely.
  • She screamed as she wind milled her arms in the hot air.
  • The woman screamed piercingly.
  • An ambulance screamed by a few minutes later.
  • She screamed at him and flashed the light in his eyes, but he wasn’t impressed.
  • She screamed again as she tumbled down a steep hill.

What does screeched in mean in Newfoundland?

Getting ‘screeched in’, which turns a visitor into an honorary Newfoundlander, involves doing jigs with an ugly stick, kissing a codfish and a shot or two of rum.

Is screeched singular or plural?

The car screeched to a halt, and a man jumped out….Synonyms and related words.

singular screech
plural screeches

How do you use straighten in a sentence?

  1. Straighten your back – try not to slouch.
  2. We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.
  3. Can you straighten your leg?
  4. Would you straighten that picture over there? – It’s a bit cockeyed.
  5. Straighten up your room.
  6. He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things.

What is the sentence of rattled and clanked?

They had long, banded tails, which clanked and rattled as they moved. He clanked up to the chair and read the word on the placard. Harold clanked around in the other end of the ship and came back. The wabbly clanked and rumbled and roared obliviously past them.

How do you use gourd in a sentence?

Gourd sentence example In her right hand, she carries a gourd rattle. The Lord then prepares a gourd to overshadow Jonah in his booth, and Jonah is very glad because of the gourd . Some unusual vegetable like drumstick and snake gourd are available here and are popular additions to our menus.

Is sizzle a onomatopoeia?

The word sizzle was first used as early as the 1600s. It is an example of onomatopoeia because it mimics the sound that it describes.

How do you write a scream?

You can write a scream by simply writing in the action line (Character name) SCREAMS. For example, “Meg runs through the door with the birthday cake.