
Do you pay VAT on livery stables?

Do you pay VAT on livery stables?

Broadly, the VAT position for those providing stabling, grazing or livery is as follows: The letting of a stable alone is exempt from VAT, subject to the ‘option to tax’. The supply of ‘keep’ (or care or livery services) including stabling and feed is one standard-rated supply with no apportionment.

Do you pay VAT on horses?

The sale of horses is a taxable supply for VAT purposes with VAT chargeable at 20% (unless the second hand margin scheme applies) for transactions within the UK. However, many horses are bought from, or sold to, other countries including Germany, Ireland and the USA.

Why is a livery stable called a livery stable?

A livery stable (from 1705, derived from the obsolete sense of “provender for horses” found in the mid-15th century) looks after the care, feeding, stabling, etc., of horses for pay.

Is grazing exempt or zero rated?

The simple grant a grazing right is zero rated. However, the supply of the keep of animals is standard rated, this might include an element of care.

What is classed as a livery yard?

At a livery yard, horses are housed and cared for in return for payment but do not belong to the owner of the yard. Health and safety standards for livery yards are set out by the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health ( CIEH ).

Who works at a livery?

A livery is a place that will take care of your horse, for a fee. You will mostly see this use now in historic novels — especially the kind where a cowboy rides into town and stables his horse at the livery. The noun livery also refers to a uniform sometimes worn by male servants, like doormen, footmen, and chauffeurs.

Is livery a trade?

The term livery originated in the specific form of dress worn by retainers of a nobleman and then by extension to special dress to denote status of belonging to a trade. Most livery companies still maintain contacts with their original trade, craft or professional roles.

Why are Livery Companies called worshipful?

Most of the Livery Companies are title ‘The Worshipful Company of…’ indicating the fact that Livery Companies started as religious fraternities and worshiped together.