Useful tips

How did Obito get 2 eyes?

How did Obito get 2 eyes?

He harvested eyes from a bunch of dead Uchiha he and Itachi killed during the Uchiha Massacre. He implanted one of them in his left eye.

Does Obito have 2 Rinnegan?

The Uchiha clan were only able to maintain one Rinnegan because they don’t have as high life forces as the Uzumaki or high chakra reserves as the Senju clan, Which is why Obito only implanted one Rinnegan into his eyes because he couldn’t handle both of them at the same time.

What if Obito had both his eyes?

Obito with only his right eye is amongst the top-tier characters in the series and has proven on multiple occasions that he is a threat. If he had both eyes it would increase the power of the jutsus in his repertoire.

What is Obito’s other eye?

Obito took the Rinnegan from Nagato’s body after he died and implanted it in his left eye socket. Although he used only one eye and was not its original owner, Obito nevertheless gained a great deal of power from it.

Why didn’t Obito take Madara’s eyes?

Because he already had access to the Rinnegan that Madara passed onto him before dying. As well, though Obito was distraught over Rin’s death by Kakashi, he still cared deeply about Kakashi.

What happened to Obitos eyes?

During the last great ninja war, when Obito Uchiha came into the war, he needed his sharingan eyes to complete his mission. since one of his eyes was tranplanted in Kakashi, so he simply plucked out the eye, claiming what was his in the first place.

Did Obito have Hashirama cells?

And Obito has an entire half of his body completely reconstructed with Hashirama’s cells. Obito’s practically immortal, he doesn’t have to drink or eat and can survive almost everything. His healing is so great that his Mangekyou Sharingan doesn’t deteriorate at all.

Does Obito have susanoo?

Obito always had susano but never used it. The plot made a suspence for obito’s susano because his susano was meant to be the strongest susano because of the hellish kamui shuriken. The same susano kakashi used is that of obito because he gave kakashi both his eyes and chakra.

Is Obitos Sharingan broken?

Obito’s Mangekyou Sharingan ability Kamui can be broken down in to 2 parts. First there’s Long range Kamui (the one Kakashi used most in the anime) It can warp objects/attacks/body parts /people away to either a different location or the Kamui Pocket Dimension.

What did Tobi do shisui eye?

Tobi actually took Shisui’s right eye back from Danzou. After Danzou performed the suicidal reverse tetragram seal, Tobi kamuied Danzou’s corpse to his hideout. There he transplanted Shisui’s eye from Danzou’s socket to his own.