
How do I make a PNG transparent in a PDF?

How do I make a PNG transparent in a PDF?

Choose –”image”-“PNG format” option. Then click on “convert” button and conversion will be performed in software. Once, PDF conversion is completed, PNG files will be saved to the destination folder with a transparent background that can be reviewed later.

How do I make a PDF with a transparent logo?

How to Make PDF Transparent Background

  1. Open PDF Document. Go to the “Home” tab, and click “Open files” to browse for your PDF document.
  2. Make PDF Background Transparent. Click on the “Edit” tab, then select “Background” and choose “Edit Background” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Save PDF.

How do I save a PDF with a transparent background in Photoshop?

To create a PDF with transparency on a 16-bit image directly from Photoshop, try this:

  1. Save As > Photoshop PDF.
  2. High Quality Print.joboptions (which you were using)
  3. Change compatibility to Acrobat 6 or higher (this will trigger “modified”)
  4. In the Compression tab, uncheck “Convert 16 Bit/Channel Image to 8 Bits/Channel”

How do I save a PDF with a transparent background in InDesign?

Export and import a custom transparency flattener preset

  1. Choose Edit > Transparency Flattener Presets.
  2. Select a preset in the list.
  3. Do one of the following: To export a preset to a separate file, click Save (InDesign) or Export (Illustrator), specify a name and location, and then click Save.

How do I make a PDF transparent in Adobe?

Go to the “Tool” option; then, you will open a drop-down list, choose the “Add or Edit Background” option. You can click on the “Add Background” button to open the background editing panel. In order to create a transparent background, you will need to click on the “Appearance” and set “Opacity” to 0.

How do I change the opacity of a PDF?


  1. Fill/Adjustment layers (Full Edit)
  2. Image > Mode > Indexed Color, Transparency option (Guided Edit, Quick Fix, Full Edit)
  3. Image > Mode > Color Table (Guided Edit, Quick Fix, Full Edit)
  4. Gradient Editor, Opacity slider (Guided Edit, Quick Fix, Full Edit)

How do I remove the white background from a PDF?

Remove a background from selected pages

  1. Open the PDF containing the background.
  2. Choose Tools > Edit PDF. The Edit PDF toolset is displayed in the secondary toolbar.
  3. In the secondary toolbar, choose More > Background > Remove.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the background removal.

How do I save a PDF with a transparent background in Illustrator?

Transparent Background in Adobe Illustrator

  1. Go to the Document Setup under the “File” menu.
  2. Make sure that “Transparency” is selected as the background and not “Artboard.” Artboard will give you a white background.
  3. Select the transparency preferences you prefer.
  4. Choose Export under the “File” menu.

Why is transparency flattener greyed out?

And the resolution of that smask-image is determined by the greyed-out flattener setting. When the greyed out setting reads “high resolution” you get a high resolution image-smask. When the greyed out setting reads “medium resolution” you get a medium resolution image-smask. In your 1.7 version PDF.