Useful tips

Are roof lanterns a good idea?

Are roof lanterns a good idea?

Roof lanterns offer a great choice. Not only are they better at channeling light from all angles than their flat counterparts, but they can also create a stunning architectural showpiece in your home. A lantern rooflight will make a room look bigger.

Are roof lanterns old fashioned?

Roof lanterns were first used by the Victorians and therefore tend to be an architectural feature of older style properties, whilst flat rooflights are a more modern feature and are therefore stylistically neutral.

Does a roof lantern need planning permission?

Generally, planning permission is not required for a roof lantern installation as long as the following permitted development rules are followed: Roof lanterns must not extend 150mm above the sloping plane of the existing roof. Roof lanterns must be no higher than the highest part of the roof.

Are Korniche roof lanterns any good?

The Korniche Roof Lantern is without doubt, the best value aluminium roof lantern on the market and provides looks and performance head & shoulders above any similar priced competitor.

Where should a roof lantern be placed?

Bear in mind that:

  1. A north-facing roof lantern will give you constant but cool light.
  2. A south-facing one will probably be too warm in the summer – unless you have a cover or higher glazing specification – while it will help warm your room during the winter.

Do lantern roofs leak?

This twin-gasket system ensures that, when properly installed, any water which gets past the outer gaskets falls onto the inner gaskets and drains out at the bottom of the roof pitch, meaning that it is almost impossible for the roof to leak.

Do skylights always leak?

Skylights have a bad reputation for always leaking. They get this reputation because a lot of installers fail to follow the installation instructions. As long as your roofing contractor follows the manufacturer’s installation instructions, your skylight won’t leak as long as the materials hold up (up to 20 years).

Can you fit a roof lantern on a pitched roof?

Roof lantern FAQs As much as we are sure you would all love to, unfortunately, you cannot install a roof lantern on a pitched roof. You can, however, add these to most existing home extensions, rooms with a flat roof above or installed in new areas of your home, again with a flat or low-pitched roof.

How big should a roof lantern be?

A smallish 100x100cm lantern can let in a surprising amount of sunlight, while a 150x250cm lantern gives an excellent area of light for a medium sized roof. Generally speaking, we advise that the overall glazing area in any extension should cover atleast 15-20% of the overall floor space.

How do you measure a Korniche roof lantern?

To calculate your required size, measure the length and width from the outside edge of your timber upstand. as demonstrated in the image. measure the length and width of your roof opening and add 140mm to both dimensions to allow for your upstands. This will give you the external dimension of your roof light.

Do roof lanterns add value?

A roof lantern is an unfailing way to add value to your home, creating a positive return on investment. Whether you’re looking to sell your property or just want to experience a little luxury whilst spending more time at home, a roof lantern is a beneficial acquisition.