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What are the materials used in wayang kulit?

What are the materials used in wayang kulit?

The important characters are usually represented by several puppets each. The wayang is usually made out of water buffalo and goat hide and mounted on to bamboo sticks. However, the best wayang is typically made from young female buffalo parchment, cured for up to ten years.

What is the characteristics of wayang kulit?

Wayang kulit combines deep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages, current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It is one of the most complete art forms, with everything in the hands of the dhalang.

Who is considered as the puppet master in wayang kulit performances?

The stories in wayang kulit are brought by one sole master performer called dalang, whorelates the story and at the same time does the voice for all characters, both male and female, the good as well as the bad.

How are the wayang kulit puppets move?

In wayang kulit, the puppets are moved behind a white cotton or unbleached muslin screen by a dalang, or “puppetmaster”. He manipulates all the puppets between a lamp and the screen to bring the puppet shadows to life.

What is the main purpose of wayang kulit?

The shadow puppet plays, known as wayang kulit are popular not only in Bali but throughout Indonesia. Far more than mere entertainment, the wayang kulit is an extremely important vehicle of culture, serving as carrier of myth, morality play, and form of religious experience rolled into one.

How do puppets move?

The puppeteer uses movements of their hands, arms, or control devices such as rods or strings to move the body, head, limbs, and in some cases the mouth and eyes of the puppet.

What do you call shadow puppetry in Indonesia?

wayang, also spelled Wajang, (Javanese: “shadow”), classical Javanese puppet drama that uses the shadows thrown by puppets manipulated by rods against a translucent screen lit from behind.