Useful tips

What are the good effects of work immersion?

What are the good effects of work immersion?

This aims to better equip senior high school students for college, work or business; develop life and career skills; and have attitudes, appreciation and respect for work. It also allows them to have a smooth transition from school to work after they gain valuable experience.

How does community immersion help students?

-Provides an opportunity to apply academic learning to real life events. Builds relationships and ‘social connectedness’ with peers and adults, and exposes students to diversity and multiculturalism. Improves lifelong communication, interpersonal and critical thinking skills.

What is the purpose of immersion?

The main purpose of immersion learning is to develop students’ second language acquisition and the learning of academic content and cultural situations. Hence, students should be able to communicate and interact competently with more people in more places in an increasingly independent world community.

Will community immersion enhance a teacher’s effectiveness?

Evidence suggests that community cultural-immersion activities incorporated in teacher-preparation programs can not only help preservice teachers correct misperceptions about, but also build relationships with their learners that can potentially impact student achievement.

What is the impact of work immersion to the students?

One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical- vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospects.

What are the 4 elements of community immersion?


  • Demographics. -includes population distribution and density.
  • History. -invents of the past that contributed to the development of community.
  • Culture. -ways of living of the people.
  • Economy. -income level, occupation of people.
  • Structures.

What you should do in community immersion?

is empowering the people towards development of the locality

  • Home visits.
  • Living with selected families.
  • Informal discussions with individuals or groups.
  • Sharing in household and community activities.
  • Attendance in social gatherings.
  • Assistance in production work.

What are the benefits of immersion education?

Enhanced cognitive skills: immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.

What are the challenges of the education system in your community?

Issues Regarding the Educational System

  • Quality of Education. First of which, is the quality of education.
  • Budget for Education.
  • Affordability of Education.
  • Drop-out Rate (Out-of-school youth)
  • Mismatch.
  • Brain Drain.
  • Social Divide.
  • Lack of Facilities and Teacher Shortage in Public Schools.

What are the benefits of immersion in preparing students for employment?

One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment prospects.

What are the benefits of the partner industry on having work immersion students?

Benefits from the agreement The industry partners agreed to encourage and influence their members to implement programs on job profiling and skills mapping. They will tie up with DepEd field offices or specific schools and provide opportunities for work immersion for students, teachers training, and use of facilities.

What are the benefits of immersion program?