Users' questions

What is Al Jahiliyah?

What is Al Jahiliyah?

jāhiliyyah, in Islam, the period preceding the revelation of the Qurʾān to the Prophet Muhammad. In Arabic the word means “ignorance,” or “barbarism,” and indicates a negative Muslim evaluation of pre-Islamic life and culture in Arabia as compared to the teachings and practices of Islam.

What are the bad practices of jahiliyyah?

Tribalism: Jahiliyyah Arabs were great tribalism’s. They considered their tribe first before anything, and regarded the support of a tribesman a supreme service, even if he was a culprit. Other bad practises of Jahiliyyah Arabs were the perpetration of injustice, maltreatment of orphans and cheating of others.

When was the Prophet Muhammad born?

Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn HāshimMuhammad / Full name

Who is the ambassador of Prophet Muhammad?

Ja’far ibn Abu Talib
Ja’far ibn Abu Talib as Muhammad’s ambassador The Muslims reached Axum before they could capture them, and were able to seek the safety of the Negus in Harar.

Who called Ajmee in Arabia?

In classical Arabic, especially in the first centuries of the Islamic period, the Persian language was called “the language of the Ajam” لسان العجم, and the Iranian people were called the “Ajami” and the persian gulf was called Ajam Gulf, in many books and deed, Tafsir al-Zahak The oldest commentary on Quran wrote on …

What PBUH means?

peace be upon him
Muslims use these words to show respect to one of God’s Prophets when mentioning his name. It is also abbreviated as “PBUH,” which stand for the English words of similar meaning (“peace be upon him”).

Who is Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?

He is seen by the Muslims as a possessor of all virtues. As an act of respect, Muslims follow the name of Muhammad by the Arabic benediction sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (meaning Peace be upon him), sometimes abbreviated as “SAW” or “PBUH”.