
What is the opposite of and logic?

What is the opposite of and logic?

Hence, the opposite of logic is illogical reasoning, which therefore includes all manners of illogicality, as the list of logical fallacies surely conclusively demonstrates.

What is opposite opposite word?

Definitions of opposite word. a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. synonyms: antonym, opposite.

What is an opposite called?

The term antonym (and the related antonymy) is commonly taken to be synonymous with opposite, but antonym also has other more restricted meanings. Graded (or gradable) antonyms are word pairs whose meanings are opposite and which lie on a continuous spectrum (hot, cold).

What is non operational?

Definition of nonoperational : not operational: such as. a : not functional or ready for use a nonoperational clock. b : not of or relating to the operation of a business or machine Layoffs were limited to nonoperational positions.

What is not in operation?

Inoperable and not in working condition. out of commission. down. inoperable. inoperative.

What is the opposite of a logical person?

What is the opposite of logical thinking?

illogical nonsensical
stupid uninformed
unintelligent unjustified
unsuitable weak
fallacious unreasoning

What is opposite of A and B?

Now, the answer to your question: The opposite (negation) of “either not A or B” is “both A and not B” The opposite (negation) of “not either A or B” is “either A or B” or “not both not A and not B.”

What is the example of opposite?

The definition of opposite is something or someone who is across from you or who is on a different side as you are. An example of opposite is the side of the street that you must cross to get to. An example of opposite is a person standing across from you.

What is the opposite of 4?

The opposite reciprocal of the number 4 would be -1/4.

What is the opposite of three?

The opposite of 3 is -3.