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What does Slashy mean?

What does Slashy mean?

Filters. Wet, having wet ground, slushy. adjective. Involving lots of cutting with blades, or swordwork.

What does having a slash mean?

British slang the act of urinating (esp in the phrase have a slash) a genre of erotic fiction written by women, to appeal to women.

What does forward slash mean in slang?

Also sometimes known as a forward slash, particularly in computing. noun. (UK, slang) A pee, a trip to the toilet to urinate.

How do you replace yn?

On Android

  1. Go to your profile (tap on your profile picture in the top right of your home feed)
  2. Tap on Settings.
  3. Select Account Settings.
  4. Tap Username.
  5. Enter your new username and current password.
  6. Tap Change.

What does H N mean?

Acronym Definition
HN Household Notes
HN Hell No
HN Hardware & Networking (education program; Karnataka State Open University; India)
HN Heartland Network (Minneapolis, MN)

How do you use slashes?


  1. A slash is often used to indicate “or”:
  2. Use a slash for fractions:
  3. Use a slash to indicate “per” in measurements of speed, prices etc:
  4. People often use a slash in certain abbreviations:
  5. A slash is often used in dates to separate day, month and year:

What do two forward slashes mean?

It depends on the context. In some programming languages the double slash (“//”) means the start of a ‘single line comment’. In programming languages like C, C++, Java or Javascript you can write comments in your code and you have 2 ways of doing that: single line comments and multiple line comments.

Does Interactivefics work on mobile?

It finally happened! After all those years, we now have: Support for Firefox (yay privacy) Support for mobile (via Firefox for Android)

How does Deadname remover work?

Deadname Remover is an extension on both Chrome and Firefox (linked for chrome) that removes your deadname and replaces it with your name. You can also change your name that appears on rosters, schedules, and your email by going into Account Management and then Name and Address Info.