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What is the best dither fish?

What is the best dither fish?

Top 5 Dither Fish to Help Shy or Aggressive Fish

  1. Livebearers. Livebearers are fish that bear live young, and most of the common types at the pet store (e.g., guppies, platies, and mollies) are extremely friendly and colorful.
  2. Tetras and Rasboras.
  3. Corydoras.
  4. Danios and Rainbowfish.
  5. Hatchetfish and Pencilfish.

What does a dither fish do?

The term dither fish refers to an arbitrary group of aquarium fish, commonly used by aquarists, to help reduce innate timidity and aggression as well as to promote normal social behaviour in the other fish housed within the same aquarium.

What do you feed Tanganyika cichlids?

Insectivores Tanganyika cichlids In Lake Tanganyika, fish insects can be seen near the water’s edge, feeding on insects and insect larvae. Some eat only insects that have fallen into the water, while others jump hard and catch insects far above the surface.

Can you mix Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids?

I would not recommend mixing Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids, but I would not go as far as to condemn it, because if you have experienced African-cichlids before, you may have some success, albeit more with some species than others.

Are parrot cichlids schooling fish?

Like their relatives they are peaceful schooling fish that prefer being kept in well planted tanks with elevated temperatures (78-84F).

How do you store Tanganyika cichlids?

Set up a tank with hard water, of pH 8.2 and above, and decorate with lots of rockwork. With good water quality and regular food, the cichlids will do the rest for you, setting up home and usually breeding. Many shell-dwelling species are adaptations of these cave spawners and include Neolamprologus ocellatus.

Can you mix Lake Tanganyika?

The world’s largest and smallest cichlid come from Lake Tanganyika in Africa’s Great Rift Valley, so their water conditions are the same. However, mix them and you’ll need a 3m/10′ tank in which you won’t see the tiny shell dweller and the giant Boulengerochromis microlepis will eat the Neolamprologus.

Can I keep parrot fish with Oscars?

Can an Oscar fish live with blood parrot cichlids? – Quora. yes for sure . I had kept them in past. As long as you feed them enough they do not trouble each other.

Can two blood parrots live together?

Keeping Blood Parrot Cichlids Together As long as you have enough space (60+ gallons) you can keep these fish in groups. The more Blood Cichlids you have, the more hiding spots you will need to spread around the aquarium.