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Which animals are found in thorn forest?

Which animals are found in thorn forest?

Some of the important species of tropical thorn forests are cacti, babool, ber, wild date palm, khair, neem, khejri, palas etc. Some of the frequent animals found in these forests are rats, mice, rabbits, fox, wolf, tiger, lion, wild ass, horses and camels.

What does a thorn forest look like?

A tropical type of vegetation with thorny shrubs and bushy trees, perhaps with a few taller trees, set in a sparse ground flora in which grasses are often lacking.

What are the main features of thorn forests?

Characteristic Features of the Thorn Forests are:

  • The thorn forests grow in the regions which receive less than 70 cm of rainfall.
  • The trees present in the thorn forest have long roots which penetrate deeper into the soil in search of water.
  • In these trees, the leaves are thick and also small to minimize evaporation.

What is the other name of thorn forest?

In South America, thorn forest is sometimes called caatinga, while that of southern India and northern Sri Lanka is known as the Deccan thorn scrub forest. Thorn forest grades into savanna woodland as the rainfall increases, such as the thornvelds of South Africa, and into desert as the climate becomes drier.

Which animals are found in desert?

Foxes, spiders, antelopes, elephants and lions are common desert species.

  • Desert fox, Chile.
  • Addax antelope.
  • Deathstalker scorpion.
  • Camel.
  • Armadillo lizard.
  • Thorny Devil.
  • Rock Hopper penguin.

Which animal is found in the dry scrub forest regions?

Other threatened mammal species found in these forests include the tiger, gaur (Bos gaurus), dhole (Cuon alpinus), sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis), and blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra).

What is thorn forest?

Definition of thorn forest : a tropical xerophytic savanna woodland commonly dominated by small thorny trees.

What is tropical thorn forests?

The tropical Thorn forests and Scrubs are the kind of forests or areas that experience an average rainfall of less than 70cm, which is too less or scanty. The features of these kinds of forests are; The vegetation consists of stunted trees with thorny bushes.

What is the importance of thorn forest?

They help them get moisture from depths. Sharp thorns protect them from animals. Their heights vary from 6 metres to 10 metres. From east of west rainfall decreases and trees turn into small thorny bushes and shrubs.

What are the useful trees of thorn forest?

Answer: Acacias, Palms, euphorbia, Cacti are main trees found in Thron forest.

What is the temperature of thorn forest?

Temperature and Climate conditions of the Thorn Forest The thorn forests experience very less rainfall throughout the year and are found in deserted, arid or semi-arid regions. The average temperature around the year is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius which can exceed 40 degrees Celsius in summer months.

What are 7 animals that live in the desert?