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What are the projects for ECE students?

What are the projects for ECE students?

III-II ECE Mini Projects(2019-2020)

SL.No Project Title
2. Voice Controlled Wheelchair Using Arduino and Bluetooth
3. Blind Stick
4. Mini Mario Game Using Arduino
5. Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Using NODEMCU

How do I choose a project domain?

Picking the right domain name for a web project is by no means a simple task….In case you need a refresher, here’s a recap:

  1. Use relevant keywords.
  2. Keep it short.
  3. Look into alternative top-level domains.
  4. Consider waiting before buying a domain.
  5. Take social network availability into account.

What are the major project ideas for final year ECE students?

The list of major project ideas for final year ECE students includes the following. Level Indicator for Petrol Dispensing Stations with Audio Alert System. Advanced Timer-Based Suicide Machine (Plug).

What are the projects for ECE final year on embedded systems?

The lists of major projects for ECE final year on embedded systems include the following. Please refer to this to know more embedded system projects for engineering students. The main objective of this project is to design a security system for a bank locker using technologies like GSM & RFID.

What are some advanced electronics and electrical projects list for ECE?

Welcome to 1000 Projects ECE Projects Section., These are the below advanced Electronics and Electrical Projects List which can useful for ECE and EEE students for their final year projects submission. Finger scanner and facial recognization based door security system using Raspberry Pi. Smart garbage bin municipal operations.

What are the latest electronics project ideas for engineering students?

This article lists the top 50+ latest electronics project ideas for the students who are in their final year of engineering. The list of major projects for ECE mainly includes based on IoT, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, embedded systems, robotics, etc.