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Is rattlesnake plantain edible?

Is rattlesnake plantain edible?

Early settlers called it Rattlesnake plantain – the pattern found on its leaves resembled the snake’s skin. It is not of the plantain family. The tender white portions at the base of the shoots can be eaten raw or cooked; the seeds, pollen, and leaves are edible.

What is rattlesnake plantain good for?

Downy rattlesnake plantain is useful for woodland wildflower plantings and as an indoor terrarium plant. Medicinal Use: Native Americans used it to treat snakebites, burns and many other ailments.

Is rattlesnake plantain rare?

Even though it is not abundant, rattlesnake plantain is widespread throughout North America extending from Canada and Alaska in the north, to Mexico in the south.

Why is it called rattlesnake plantain?

The rattlesnake plantains get their name from their broad, rounded leaves similar in shape to those of plantain, a common lawn weed. Yet, they are neither plantains nor weeds, but orchids (family Orchidaceae).

How do you plant a rattlesnake plantain?

Plant rattlesnake plantain orchids in a location that receives full sun if you live near a coast, but plant them in an area that receives afternoon shade if you live inland. The ideal location is beneath an evergreen where they will receive dappled sunlight. They grow best in well-drained soil.

How do you take care of a rattlesnake orchid?

Rattlesnake plantains prefer even soil moisture but not soggy conditions. Water whenever the soil begins to dry out, but make sure that the plant is not left sitting in waterlogged soil. If your rattlesnake plantain’s foliage is wilting, this might be a sign of root rot due to too much soil moisture.

Where does rattlesnake plantain grow?

Can you grow rattlesnake plantain indoors?

It just so happens that rattlesnake plantain is available to buy from growers and is very adaptable to houseplant and terrarium settings. Just as it prefers in the wild, indoor rattlesnake plantain requires moist, well drained, acidic soil. Commercial orchid mix is a good option for potting them up.

How do you take care of a downy rattlesnake plantain?