
What does tattoos behind the ear mean?

What does tattoos behind the ear mean?

While these tattoos look great in any placement, they are uniquely suited to small areas like behind your ear. When inked there, it symbolizes hearing the word of God and letting your faith guide your decisions.

Is behind ear tattoo painful?

Based on anecdotal evidence from experts, the pain is a 5+ on a 10-point scale. But it’s not the most painful body part to get inked. He rated the postauricular area (that’s medical jargon for “behind the ear”) a 5.3 on the pain scale.

What does a rose behind the ear mean?

Roses can mean romance, love, and passion or they can be a way to remember a loved one. A rose tattoo behind the ear is a very intimate way to dedicate a tattoo to someone you love.

Can you have a tattoo behind your ear as a nurse?

You can have tattoos but a lot of places will request that you cover it up if it is visible. We had an RN who had a tattoo behind her ear but she always covered it up with a bandaid.

What is the most painful spot to get a tattoo?

Most painful

  • Armpit. The armpit is among the most painful places, if not the most painful place, to get tattooed.
  • Rib cage. The rib cage is probably the second most painful place for most people to get tattooed.
  • Ankles and shins.
  • Nipples and breasts.
  • Groin.
  • Elbows or kneecap.
  • Behind the knees.
  • Hips.

Do jobs care about behind the ear tattoos?

No, tattoos are becoming more and more popular. Your employer won’t care. On the other hand, tattoos are “considered a form of body art. It’s a pain in the behind to apply for your perfect job, only to be told that your tattoos must be covered at all times.

Can nurses have tattoos 2021?

There’s no universal stance from nursing authorities on whether or not nurses can have tattoos. No tattoos above the collar or on your lower arms, including your hands. No visible tattoos when wearing scrubs. And on a related note, require the removal of any body piercings, including earrings.

What do 3 star tattoos mean on a woman?

Three-Star Tattoo: If the stars are aligned in a sequence with each star being bigger than the last, then this tattoo represents a journey that was taken. Multiple Stars: A string of tiny stars is a very popular design to get, especially for women because it looks pretty.