
Which is correct traveler or traveller?

Which is correct traveler or traveller?

Traveling or travelling depends on where is your audience. Traveling is the preferred spelling in the U.S. Travelling is the preferred spelling in the UK or in the Commonwealth. This American-British spelling difference carries for other forms: traveled or travelled and traveler or traveller.

Is traveller spelled with one L or two?

The same goes for all versions of Traveler/Traveller, and Traveled/Travelled: One “L” for countries that use American spelling, and two for places that embrace British English writing conventions.

What is the American spelling of traveller?

The differences in British and American spelling

travel travel
travelled traveled
travelling traveling
traveller traveler

How do you spell traveller in Australia?

American English uses a single ‘l’ in words such as ‘traveling’, ‘traveled’ and ‘traveler’. British/Australian English uses a double ‘ll’, as in ‘travelling’, ‘travelled’ and ‘traveller’.

What is called traveller?

A traveller is a person who is making a journey or a person who travels a lot. Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights. Synonyms: voyager, tourist, passenger, journeyer More Synonyms of traveller. 2. countable noun.

How do you spell the past tense of travel?

past tense of travel is Commonwealth travelled, US traveled.

Does Australia use UK or U.S. spelling?

Australian English follows British spelling very closely but many common words are spelt differently in American English. Despite being spelt differently, the meaning of the word is the same. Australian and American English have different ways of spelling certain words, such as those ending with ‘yse’ or ‘ise’.

What type of word is traveller?

One who travels, especially to distant lands. A term for a modern day gypsy, tinker, caravan dweller, etc. Member of the nomadic ethnic minority.

What is the correct form of travel?

Travel verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Participle
travel Commonwealth travelling, US traveling Commonwealth travelled, US traveled

How do you spell Traveller in Australia?

How do you spell apologize in Australia?

  1. British and Australian: Apologise.
  2. American: Apologize.