
What do the different cords at graduation mean?

What do the different cords at graduation mean?

At some universities, pairs of honor cords, in the school colors, indicate honors graduates: one pair for cum laude, two pairs for magna cum laude, and three pairs for summa cum laude. These are in addition to any cords for membership in an honor society.

What are the levels of graduating with honors?

Typically, the Laude System recognizes three levels of honor graduation: Cum Laude (with praise), Magna Cum Laude (with great honor) and Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor).

Do you get cords for honors classes?

Graduation cords are long, thin, colored ropes with tassels on each end that are worn around the neck during commencement ceremonies. These cords recognize graduates with academic honors or who have participated in certain groups or clubs, in colors determined by each school or club.

How many honors cords can you wear?

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between a stole/sash and a cord(s); you can wear a cord and a stole/sash together and you can wear more than one cord. However, it’s not practical to wear more than one sash/stole, though some graduates may do it.

What does a gold cord mean at graduation?

Gold: This is the most popular cord color on graduation day. It can signify Latin honors for a high GPA, National Honor Society membership, and other academic honors.

What is the laude system?

A Laude System is a way to recognize academic honors in graduates. The EHS proposed Laude System is a point based system that combines honor points (based off of designated honors courses taken) and cumulative grade point average to create a Laude Score.

What do you get cords for in high school?

What does High School Graduation Cords Mean? Graduation Cord expresses as an extra honorable badge of excellence, which you will be awarded while receiving a diploma or degree by the college or university officials.

What does the gold cord mean at graduation?

What does a double honor cord mean?

Double Honor Cords are used for a variety of different designations at graduation. For example, they can be used to designate that someone is graduating with honors or high honors in the case of cum laude, summa cum laude, and magna cum laude.

What does a gold cord mean?