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Is velamentous cord insertion the same as vasa previa?

Is velamentous cord insertion the same as vasa previa?

Vasa Previa Due to Velamentous Cord Insertion Velamentous cord insertion can cause vasa previa, which means the unprotected blood vessels lie between the baby and the mother’s birth canal. When labor begins, the blood vessels may break, putting the baby at risk of serious blood loss.

What is the difference between placenta previa and vasa previa?

Your placenta can form two lobes, which is called a bilobed placenta. Rarely, it can form more than two lobes, which is called multilobed. Sometimes a smaller lobe, called a succenturiate lobe, forms. Vasa previa happens if the blood vessels that run between these lobes end up lying against the cervix.

What is velamentous cord insertion in vasa previa?

In velamentous cord insertion, vessels from the umbilical cord run through part of the chorionic membrane rather than directly into the placenta. Thus, the blood vessels are not protected by Wharton jelly within the cord, making fetal hemorrhage more likely to occur when the fetal membranes rupture.

Can you have velamentous cord insertion without vasa previa?

When a velamentous insertion occurs away from the cervix (i.e. when there is no vasa previa), most pregnancies proceed normally with no complications. Occasionally, however, intrauterine growth restriction may occur.

Is velamentous cord insertion considered high risk?

Velamentous and Marginal Cord Insertion Risks Typically, marginal cord insertion has little negative effect. However, there is a high risk of hemorrhage, or blood loss, for infants with velamentous cord insertion because the umbilical blood vessels are unprotected by umbilical tissue.

Does velamentous cord insertion cause birth defects?

During labor, your baby will receive continuous fetal monitoring. While velamentous cord insertion and marginal cord insertion can be distressing to learn about, keep in mind that they are very unlikely to cause any problems in your pregnancy.

What is Velamentous placenta?

A velamentous cord insertion is a rare pregnancy complication in which the umbilical cord is abnormally inserted into the placenta. In a normal gestational sac, the umbilical cord is inserted into the middle of the placenta (central insertion) and entirely enclosed in the amniotic sac.

Can you have placenta previa and vasa previa?

If your placenta is low, if you are carrying more than one baby or if your placenta or umbilical cord develops in an unusual manner, you are at higher risk of having vasa praevia. You may be offered an extra scan during your pregnancy to check whether you have this condition.

Can you deliver vaginally with Velamentous cord?

Lessons: A pregnant woman with umbilical prolapse, VCI, and a fetal vertex presentation can successfully deliver a baby through the vagina. Factors contributing to the success of the reported vaginal delivery might have been a small fetus, multipara status, and immediate management.

Can you have a healthy baby with velamentous cord insertion?

Happily, the chances that this pregnancy complication can hurt your baby are very low. That said, velamentous cord insertion can increase the risk of preterm birth, a small-for-gestational-age baby, low Apgar score, and the need for a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) after birth.

Can velamentous cord insertion cause birth defects?

Is velamentous cord insertion a high risk pregnancy?

Abnormal cord insertions are associated with increased rates of abnormal FHR tracings and Cesarean deliveries. In particular, a VCI should be deemed a high-risk pregnancy and a warning sign of a possible vasa previa.

What is the difference between vasa previa and velamentous cord insertion?

In velamentous cord insertion, the umbilical cord inserts into the fetal membranes (choriamniotic membranes), then travels within the membranes to the placenta (between the amnion and the chorion ). While both Vasa Previa and Placenta Previa require extra monitoring, the risks associated with Vasa Previa are a bit higher.

What is velamentous insertion of the placenta?

Normally, the blood vessels of the baby run from the middle of the placenta via the umbilical cord to the baby. Velamentous insertion means that the blood vessels, unprotected by Wharton’s jelly, traverse the membranes before they come together into the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord inserts on the placental mass in about 99% of cases.

What is the prevalence of velamentous umbilical cord insertion in the US?

The prevalence of velamentous umbilical cord insertion was 0.84%, and the prevalence of vasa previa was 0.0017%. The independent risk factors for VCI were nulliparity, obesity, fertility problems, placenta previa, and maternal smoking.

What is a velamentous umbilical cord?

A velamentous umbilical cord is characterized by membranous umbilical vessels at the placental insertion site that are prone to compression and rupture, especially when they are located in the membranes covering the cervical os (vasa praevia). The velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord, with a …