Useful tips

What is GWD MTU?

What is GWD MTU?

“Burnup” is a term used to describe how much energy has been produced in a nuclear fuel assembly. Typical units are “Gigawatt-days per Metric Ton of Uranium” (GWD/MTU).

What is high burnup nuclear fuel?

In general, the higher the concentration of those atoms, the longer the fuel can sustain a chain reaction. And the longer the fuel remains in the reactor, the higher the burnup. In other words, burnup is a way to measure how much uranium is burned in the reactor. It is the amount of energy produced by the uranium.

How do you calculate burn up?

Measures of burnup Expressed as a percentage: if 5% of the initial heavy metal atoms have undergone fission, the burnup is 5%FIMA. If these 5% were the total of 235U that were in the fuel at the beginning, the burnup is 100%FIFA (as 235U is fissile and the other 95% heavy metals like 238U not).

What is a scram button?

A scram or SCRAM is an emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor effected by immediately terminating the fission reaction. It is also the name that is given to the manually operated kill switch that initiates the shutdown.

What is void in reactor?

In a nuclear power reactor, an area of lower density in a moderating system (such as steam bubbles in water) that allows more neutron leakage than does the more dense material around it.

Can use natural uranium as a fuel?

Natural uranium can be used as fuel in nuclear reactors.

What is burn up and burn down chart?

Burn down and burn up charts are two types of charts that project managers use to track and communicate the progress of their projects. A burn down chart shows how much work is remaining to be done in the project, whereas a burn up shows how much work has been completed, and the total amount of work.

What is a burn Report?

The Burn Rate section of the report shows an estimate of how much work a team can complete during an iteration. This calculation shows how quickly the team is actually completing planned work. It also shows how much the rate varies from day to day, or iteration to iteration.

Where does SCRAM come from?

Scram is an American slang verb meaning to depart, to get out. It probably is a clipping of scramble, but there is also the German verb schrammen, meaning to depart or run away. The German verb may have influenced or even been the root of the English slang term. Scram makes its appearance in the late 1920s.

Is SCRAM a slang?

(slang) To leave or get out, esp. in a hurry.

Can nuclear reactors be shut down?

During the power operation of a nuclear power plant, a self-sustaining chain reaction occurs in the reactor core. To shut down a nuclear power plant, the reactor must be brought into a permanently uncritical state (subcriticality) and the heat that continuous to generate must be discharged safely.