Useful tips

What does FMI 7 mean?

What does FMI 7 mean?

7. Not Responding Properly. 8. Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period.

What does the code ECU 128 mean on a Freightliner?

On the Mercedes Freightliner Sprinter engine, ECU 128 is not a fault code; it just refers You to the electronic control unit, where Your fault code will lie. If You’re seeing ECU 128, You should be able to get more information about the fault code which is being set.

What is MCM fault codes Freightliner?

Description This fault Code Sets When the Motor Control Module (MCM) Detects That the EGR Temperature After the EGR Cooler is Not Within a Threshold. Typical Enabling Conditions Engine Coolant Temperature Greater than 65°C (149°F).

How do you clear a Freightliner fault code?

You just have to put the key into the ignition and turn it on and off for three times in a row with the gap of a second in each step. After you are done, try to move the truck a little bit to see if the lights are reset.

What does FMI stand for in fault code?

Failure Mode Identifier
Page 1. Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) Codes on J1939 data link. The FMI is used along with the SPN to provide specific information that relates to a diagnostic trouble code (DTC). The FMI may indicate that a problem with an electronic circuit or an electronic component has been detected.

What is SPN and FMI?

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) Represents the SPN with error. Every defined SPN can be used in a DTC. Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) Represents the nature and type of error that occurred, e.g., value range violation (high or low), sensor short-circuits, incorrect update rate, calibration error.

What does MCM mean on Freightliner?

Motor Control Module
MCM (Motor Control Module) – will be bolted onto the side of the engine (size: 11.5″ wide x 8″ deep by 2″ tall).

Will disconnecting battery clear codes?

If you leave the battery disconnected for about 15 minutes, the vehicle systems will be completely reset when the battery is reconnected. It will clear the error codes and reset the check engine light if the battery is disconnected.

What does FMI stand for in trucking?