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What is Bayeux server?

What is Bayeux server?

Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages, primarily over HTTP. CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses an AJAX push technology pattern known as Comet. Long polling, also called Comet programming, allows emulation of an information push from a server to a client.

What is Bayeux protocol?

Bayeux is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages (primarily over web protocols such as HTTP and WebSocket), with low latency between a web server and web clients. This version of the library supports the following functionality: Receive server-to-client messages (events).

What is CometD client?

CometD is a set of library to write web applications that perform messaging over the web. CometD ships a JavaScript client library, a Java client library and a Java server library. This allows you to write applications in the browser with fine-grained logic and control on the server.

What is a CometD client?

What is CometD clients Salesforce?

Use CometD to subscribe to platform events in an external client. Salesforce sends platform events to CometD clients sequentially in the order they’re received. The order of event notifications is based on the replay ID of events. A CometD client can receive a batch of events at once.

What is empApi?

The lightning:empApi component provides access to methods for subscribing to a streaming channel and listening to event messages. All streaming channels are supported, including channels for platform events, PushTopic events, generic events, and Change Data Capture events.

How do I subscribe to a platform event in Salesforce?

Subscribe to Platform Event Notifications with Apex Triggers

  1. Click the Setup icon, select Developer Console, and click File | New | Apex Trigger.
  2. Provide a name and choose your event for the sObject, and click Submit.

How do I test streaming API services?

Streaming API example in Salesforce

  1. Go to User Interface.
  2. Enable “Streaming API”.
  3. Check whether your profile has API Enabled permission.
  4. Go to this site and download the file – http://download.cometd.org/cometd-2.2.0-distribution.tar.gz.
  5. Extract the downloaded file.
  6. Open Command Prompt and execute the below commands;

What is the cometd Java implementation?

The CometD Java implementation is based on the popular Jetty Http Server and Servlet Container, for both the client and the server, version 9 or greater. CometD Java Libraries and Servlet 3.0

Can cometd be deployed to a servlet?

The CometD Java implementation, though based on Jetty, is based on the standard Servlet 3.0 API and therefore can be deployed to any Servlet 3.0 or greater compliant Servlet Container, leveraging the asynchronous features the Servlet Container offers. See also the Servlet 3.0 configuration sectionfor further details.

How do I set up a cometd server?

Advanced Configuration for the Java Server The simplest way to setup a CometD server is to deploy your CometD application under context path /, and the CometD Servlet mapped to e.g. /cometd/*. In this way resources such as HTML, CSS and — more importantly — JavaScript files (in particular cometd.js) will belong to the same domain.

How do I authenticate my application using cometd?

The recommended way to perform authentication in CometD is to pass the authentication credentials in the initial handshake message. Both the JavaScript handshake APIand the Java Client handshake APIallow an application to pass an additional object that will be merged into the handshake message and sent to the server: