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What has been done to reduce flooding in Cockermouth?

What has been done to reduce flooding in Cockermouth?

Flooding in Cockermouth is reduced by over 500m of raised embankment and 1.2km of flood wall. These defences work together to manage river flows through the town. There is also 9 floodgates, 120m of self-raising flood barrier and numerous flap valves on drainage outfalls.

What were the impacts of the Cockermouth flood 2009?

Environmental. Rivers were significantly altered with increased rates of erosion. Four bridges were destroyed and 25 were closed for over six weeks due to the damage. This caused traffic problems in the town.

What were the main physical and human causes of the Cockermouth flood?

Physical causes The warm air from the mid-Atlantic caused relief rainfall over the Cumbrian Mountains. The warmer the air, the more moisture it holds. The falling rain poured into the River Derwent and River Cocker. The two rivers confluence at Cockermouth, which led to significant flooding.

Why was the flood management scheme needed in Cockermouth?

Successful partnership working was a key objective in reducing flood risk in Cockermouth. A scheme was designed to protect 361 homes and 55 businesses against a flood that has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year.

How did people respond storm Desmond?

The Government mobilised a full national emergency response”. This included 200 military personnel and supporting assets (including a Chinook helicopter); 50 high-volume pumps; and the Environment Agency moving people, temporary defences and pumps to the north-west.

What are human causes of flooding?

Human causes of flooding Constructing buildings and surrounding roads and paths creates impermeable surfaces which increase surface run-off. Drains also increase the flow of water into surrounding rivers, increasing the flood risk.

Which is an economic impact of the Cumbrian floods?

Economic. Rail and road services were disrupted. The estimated cost was £500 million across Cumbria.

What are the main causes of the floods?

Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry. Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.

What are human activities that cause flooding?

Human activities that degrade the environment often increases flooding. These activities include: Deforestation. The lack of vegetation encourages water to flow over the surface rather than infiltrate into the soil thus increasing surface runoff.

How does the Urbanisation of Cockermouth cause flooding?

Urbanisation – towns such as Cockermouth and Keswick have increased the amount of impermeable surfaces which means that the water gets to the river more quickly, increasing discharge. Water flowed down roads and into streams and rivers – increasing the discharge rapidly.

How many deaths did Storm Desmond cause?

This article’s lead section may be too long for the length of the article.

Desmond on 5 December 2015
Fatalities 3
Damage ≥ £870 million (≥ €970 million) (2015)
Power outages 46,300
Areas affected Ireland, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Sweden