
Is PRS global open peer reviewed?

Is PRS global open peer reviewed?

PRS GO is an OA, peer-reviewed, international journal focusing on global plastic and reconstructive surgery.

What is a plastic journal?

The journal offers readers reports on the most current and innovative techniques for cosmetic and reconstructive procedures (including breast, hand, peripheral nerve, pediatric, craniofacial, burn, experimental) – as well as medicolegal issues and CME/MOC articles. …

What is considered reconstructive surgery?

Reconstructive surgery is a procedure that restores your body after an injury, after a disease, or it corrects defects you were born with. It not only restores your body, but your comfort and confidence.

Can you get plastic surgery 14?

Age of Consent There are no specific laws in the United States that prevent teenagers from getting cosmetic surgery; however, parental consent is required for patients under the age of 18.

Is reconstructive surgery the same as plastic surgery?

The term “plastic surgery” originates from the Greek word “plastikos,” which means to mold or shape. The field of Plastic Surgery can be broken down into two main categories – reconstructive procedures and cosmetic procedures. Both are generally considered sub-specialties of plastic surgery.

What age can a girl get a breast reduction?

While breast reduction can often be performed safely and successfully for patients in their mid teens, many cosmetic surgeons prefer patients wait until they are at least 18 before undergoing the procedure.

Can 16 year olds get breast reduction?

Depending on a variety of factors, certain individuals may qualify as breast reduction candidates when they are as young as 15, although some insurance providers require patients to be at least 16 years old to receive coverage. However, there are no official age restrictions currently set in place for breast reduction.