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How many died from the flu in 2017 in the US?

How many died from the flu in 2017 in the US?

About 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season, the worst in the past decade. Hospitalizations and deaths from the seasonal flu.

How many people died of the flu in 2018?

The 2017–2018 flu season was severe for all US populations and resulted in an estimated 41 million cases, 710,000 hospitalizations and 52,000 deaths.

How many died from the flu in 2016?

* 2019 to 2020 season is a preliminary estimate.

Season Hospitalizations Deaths
Estimate Estimate
2015-2016 280,000 23,000
2016-2017 500,000 38,000
2017-2018 710,000 52,000

How many flu deaths were there in 2016?

The overall burden of influenza for the 2016-2017 season was an estimated 29 million influenza illnesses, 14 million influenza-associated medical visits, 500,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 38,000 influenza-associated deaths (Table: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 …

Can you get the flu in April?

The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused specifically by influenza viruses. You can get influenza any time of year. However, although it is possible to get the flu during the spring or summer, it is extremely unlikely if you haven’t been traveling.

Can you get flu in summer?

Although the influenza virus can circulate throughout the year, it’s most common during the winter months. If you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms during the summer months, it’s unlikely that you have the flu. The best way to prevent getting sick over the summer months is to practice good health habits.

Can U Get flu in summer?

Flu in the summer is not common despite the Centers for Disease Control has detected the flu virus throughout the year. The virus is more effective in the fall and winter months, a period that’s also referred to as flu season.