Users' questions

What is the relationship between Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

What is the relationship between Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

Relations have long been complex due to the substantial ethnic and cultural differences between the two nations and their sharing of the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. Living standards in the Dominican Republic are considerably higher than those in Haiti.

Does the Dominican Republic have a better economy than Haiti?

In terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and corrected for differences in purchasing power, an average person of the Dominican Republic is nearly nine times richer than an average person in Haiti.

What does Haiti and Dominican Republic have in common?

The Dominican Republic and Haiti share the same island of Hispaniola. They also share common historical experiences, including colonial origin, American occupation, and former autocratic regimes that have recently transitioned to young democracies.

What separates Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

The Massacre River, named not for the 1937 massacre but an earlier massacre, divides the Dominican Republic from Haiti in the country’s Northwest.

Why is the Dominican Republic more stable than Haiti?

Gliech says the fewer ethnic differences are one reason why the Dominican Republic, that gained independence later than Haiti, soon became much more stable than its neighbor, both economically and politically.

Why is Dominican Republic and Haiti so different?

Although Christopher Columbus colonized the entire island in the name of Spain, the languages slowly but steadily diverged. The Eastern half, which would become the Dominican Republic retained the Spanish language while the Western Half, modern day Haiti developed a French-influenced Creole as the common tongue.

Who deforested Haiti?

The destruction of Haiti’s forests has been going on for centuries. When the French colonized the island starting in the 17th century, they cut down trees for lumber and fuel, and mahogany for furniture.