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What does cardassia look like?

What does cardassia look like?

Externally, Cardassians were easily recognizable by each having light-gray skin, two thick, vertical neck ridges that receded back to the crown of their head, and an inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of the forehead. See below for more information on the evolution of the Cardassian “look.”

What do the Cardassians represent?

Cardassians= uber Nationalist and their occupation of Bajor is based on Nazi Occupation of Sudetenland among other things.

Is Deep Space Nine Cardassian?

The premise of the series revolves around the Federation taking control of Deep Space Nine, a Cardassian-built space station orbiting Bajor, at the request of the Bajoran provisional government.

What ended the Cardassian occupation of Bajor?

Their brutality led to the deaths of ten million Bajorans. This eventually gave rise to the fierce Bajoran Resistance, which used guerrilla and terror tactics. The Cardassians eventually withdrew due to political pressure from the Federation, as well as the Resistance’s constant attacks.

What is a Cardassian vole?

A Cardassian vole was an animal native to Cardassia Prime. Cardassian voles were about twenty-five centimeters long, had little hair on their bodies, and were generally regarded as pests. They had six legs and were attracted to energy fields.

How strong is the Cardassian Union?

They are a second rate power compared to the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. The Cardassian Union at the start of DS9 is an empire in decline. They have just lost Bajor after the civilian government ordered the military to retreat.

When did the Cardassian occupation end?

The exact start of the Occupation is unclear, but the general consensus is that it began circa 2319 and ended in 2369. See below for more information.

What is the Cardassian neck trick?

The Cardassian neck trick is a physical feat performed by Cardassians. Due to their prominent neckbones, Cardassians can only move their heads 180 degrees, compared to Humans who can turn 240 degrees.