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How do I unlock a locked VMDK file?

How do I unlock a locked VMDK file?

Power off or reset the backup server to see if that helps clear the lock.

  1. Migrate or vMotion all virtual machines running on the ESXi/ESX host that created the lock to another ESXi/ESX host.
  2. Stop the ESXi/ESX host that created the lock by either rebooting the host or executing: # vm-support -X.

How do I release a locked file in VMware?

To delete the .lck-xxxx file:

  1. Ensure the virtual machine is powered off.
  2. Connect to the ESXi/ESX host using Secure Shell (SSH).
  3. Go to the virtual machine folder, run the command:
  4. List all files including the hidden files, run the command:
  5. Remove the lock file, run the command:
  6. Power on the virtual machine.

How do I know if my VMDK is locked?

Identifying the Locked File

  1. Power on the virtual machine, this process should fail and display an error message.
  2. Connect to the ESXi host the virtual machine is on with an SSH session.
  3. Find the IP address of the host holding the lock by running vmfsfilelockinfo on the VMDK flat, delta, or sesparse file for VMFS, or the .

How do I unlock a VMware virtual machine?

Command : lock Locking VM ‘MyVM01’ Press Ctrl-C to unlock. The lock command will sleep until you press Ctrl+C to release the lock. If the ovm_control utility is killed, the VM would be unlocked as well.

How do I fix vmware failed to lock the file?

Error 1: Failed to lock the file

  1. Attempt to start a second virtual machine using the same virtual machine configuration .
  2. Power on a virtual machine with mounted disks via the vmware-mount utility.
  3. Try to turn on a virtual machine through the user interface during a snapshot operation.

What is VMDK LCK file?

lck-xxx file located in the virtual machine folder holds a lock on the vmdk file. When an ESXi/ESX host accesses a virtual machine disk file on a NFS based datastore a . This file prevents other ESXi/ESX hosts from accessing the virtual disk file.

What is vmdk LCK?

lck-xxx file located in the virtual machine folder holds a lock on the vmdk file. When an ESXi/ESX host accesses a virtual machine disk file on a NFS based datastore a . lck-xxx lock file is generated in the same directory as the disk file. This file prevents other ESXi/ESX hosts from accessing the virtual disk file.

What is CTK vmdk file?

A VMware CTK file contains a list of all the changes made to a VMware virtual machine (VM) since it was last backed up. The CTK file is always much smaller than VMware Virtual Machine Disk File (VMDK) block it describes. Note: VMware snapshots also contain a . ctk file.

How do I fix VMware failed to lock the file?

What is a flat vmdk?

In short, the -flat.vmdk is the virtual disk for a vm, and should have a matching .vmdk, which is the descriptor file.

How do I unlock my virtual machine?

On a physical computer using the VMware View access, if the screen says “Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to unlock this computer,” and the virtual desktop toolbar is visible at the top of the screen, click “Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete” on the virtual desktop toolbar instead of actually pressing those keys.

How do I unlock a Windows virtual machine?

Press “Ctrl-Alt-Del” to unlock your computer, and enter your password, if necessary.