
What is Stratechery llc?

What is Stratechery llc?

Stratechery provides analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society. Weekly Articles are free, while three Daily Updates a week are for subscribers only.

How much does Stratechery cost?

People are willing to pay to read his work because his opinions support themselves. Stratechery’s pricing strategy is simple: one free article a week, and then a monthly ($10) or yearly ($100) fee for access to additional articles.

How many subscribers does Stratechery have?

recently did some sleuthing and found that Stratechery is currently on track to generate $3.2 million in 2020. Subscriptions are now $12/month or $120/year, which means if Stegmann’s calculations are correct, it now has over 26,000 paying subscribers.

Who is Ben Thompson?

Thompson fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and later for Emperor Maximilian in Mexico. When hired in 1881 as marshal in Austin, Texas, the crime rate reportedly dropped sharply….Ben Thompson (lawman)

Ben Thompson
Known for Lawman and gunfighter of the old west
Spouse(s) Catherine L. Moore
Children 3

How do you pronounce Stratechery?

Thank You

  1. Please, ignore the terrible pronunciation decisions; it’s Struh-TECH-er-ee, as in the industry that I cover ↩
  2. I want to give recognition to Sonya Mann who came up with the original outline for the Stratechery Conceptual Framework nearly two years ago. ↩
  3. A gallery is coming in 4.1 ↩

What is Stratechery dithering?

Stratechery Podcasts are audio versions of Stratechery posts. The content is the exact same as the Daily Update on or that you receive via email, but now you can listen to it in your favorite podcast player. Stratechery now also supports Dithering, a new podcast from Ben Thompson and John Gruber.

How do I cancel my Stratechery account?

Right to be forgotten: You may cancel your account at any time. If you wish your data to be permanently deleted, you may contact us at [email protected] and it will be deleted within 72 hours.

How do I cancel my Stratechery subscription?

Email [email protected] and ask them to cancel your account.

When did Ben Thompson start Stratechery?

Thompson launched Stratechery as a blog while still a Microsoft employee, and in April 2014 devoted himself to the site full-time, operating on a “freemium” subscription model. He has stated his primary inspiration was John Gruber, author of the site Daring Fireball.

How do I access my Stratechery podcast?

If you are on your PC or Mac, and wish to listen on your phone:

  1. Choose your favorite podcast player, then scan the corresponding QR code with your phone’s camera.
  2. Or enter your phone number, and Stratechery will text you a link to the Daily Update Podcast page.

How do I subscribe to Stratechery?

Yes! Just go to your account page, choose the ‘Subscriptions’ tab, and click the Annual upgrade button. You will be charged immediately, with a prorated discount applied for the remainder of your current monthly plan.

How do I unsubscribe from Stratechery?

What is Stratechery and why does it matter?

I wrote a follow-up to this Article in this Daily Update. Stratechery provides analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society. So begins my about page, and there is no company that expands to fill the space afforded by that description quite like Facebook.

Who is behind the Stratechery team?

Stratechery is written by me, Ben Thompson. I am based in Taipei, Taiwan, and am fully supported by my work at Stratechery. I’ve worked previously at Apple (interned), Microsoft, and Automattic, where I focused on strategy, developer relations, and marketing for Apple University, Windows, and

What is Stratechery and aggregation theory?

The overarching story of Stratechery has been the rise and consolidation of the aforementioned Big 5 tech companies, and the entire premise of Aggregation Theory is the inevitability of centralization in a world of frictionless abundance.