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What is rhombic and monoclinic sulphur?

What is rhombic and monoclinic sulphur?

Rhombic sulphur is the most stable allotropic form of sulphur that exists as rhombic octahedral crystals, whereas, the monoclinic sulphur exists as long, needle-shaped prisms but, it is stable only at temperatures between 96∘C and 119∘C.

When rhombic sulphur monoclinic sulphur and its Vapour are co exist in equilibrium the number phases are?

Here, the two phases in equilibrium are rhombic sulphur and its vapour, is monovarient. Therefore, at one temperature, there can be one vapour pressure only. Point B is the transition temperature (95.6oC) at which rhombic sulphur changes into monoclinic sulphur.

What is the transition temperature of rhombic sulphur?

95.6 °C
For example, when rhombic sulfur is heated above 95.6 °C, it changes form into monoclinic sulfur; when cooled below 95.6 °C, it reverts to rhombic sulfur. At 95.6 °C the two forms can co-exist.

Why is sulphur monoclinic?

Monoclinic sulfur is a crystalline allotrope of sulfur obtained when rhombic sulfur is heated to 94.5°C. This form is stable only above 96°C. When left at room temperature it reverts back to rhombic form. It has S8 ring molecules in crystalline structure.

Do rhombic and monoclinic sulphur have S8 molecules?

Rhombic and monoclinic sulphur, both have S8 molecules. The alternative packing of S8 molecules gives different crystal structures.

Are both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur soluble in CS2?

As we heat the solution on roll Sulphur in $C{S_2}$, we get rhombic Sulphur and further when we melt the rhombic Sulphur we het monoclinic Sulphur and hence, both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur are soluble in $C{S_2}$.

At which temperature both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are stable a 369 k B 396 K C 396 C D 369 C?

Since both allotropes of sulphur are stable at 369K, it is referred to as the transition temperature.

At what temperature rhombic sulphur is converted to monoclinic sulphur and Versa?

yellow rhombic sulphur (α-sulphur) and the monoclinic (β-sulphur). The most interesting feature is their thermal stability, the allotropes of sulphur are inter-convertible i.e. rhombic sulphur when heated above 369K gives monoclinic sulphur.

How will you convert rhombic sulphur to monoclinic sulphur?

sulfur is heated there is change in itsphysical state like change in color and formation of new allotropes. When rhombic sulfur is heated there is change in color and its form at different temperature. Whenrhombic sulfur is heated at 96. C it changes to monoclinic sulfur.

How is rhombic sulphur converted to monoclinic sulphur?

What is the structural difference between rhombic and monoclinic sulphur?

Summary – Rhombic vs Monoclinic Sulphur Rhombic form and monoclinic form are such two allotropes. The difference between rhombic and monoclinic sulphur is that rhombic sulphur exists as rhombic octahedral crystals whereas monoclinic sulphur exists as long, needle-shape prisms.

Which of the following statement is true both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are soluble in water?

As we heat the solution on roll Sulphur in $C{S_2}$, we get rhombic Sulphur and further when we melt the rhombic Sulphur we het monoclinic Sulphur and hence, both rhombic and monoclinic Sulphur are soluble in $C{S_2}$. Therefore among the given options three options have been proved to be correct.