
What do you say at a communion service?

What do you say at a communion service?

Jesus said – “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Does the Church of England celebrate All Saints Day?

In the Church of England, mother church of the Anglican Communion, it is a Principal Feast and may be celebrated either on 1 November or on the Sunday between 30 October and 5 November.

How do you pray for the bread in communion?

O present Spirit, help us recognize the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread. Feed the world with this bread. Bring it joy with this wine. Give it leaven and salt in us, a community of faith strengthened by your meal.

What prayer do you say after communion?

I thank You, O holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, who have deigned, not through any merits of mine, but out of the condescension of Your goodness, to satisfy me a sinner, Your unworthy servant, with the precious Body and Blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do you lead the Lord’s Supper at home?

How to Lead Communion in Your Home

  1. What is communion? Communion is a symbolic way to show we belong to Jesus and to remember what He did for us.
  2. Prepare. Get your communion elements and plan ready.
  3. Pause. A big part of communion is remembering and reflecting.
  4. Pray.
  5. Partake.
  6. Praise.
  7. Talk About Communion With Your Kids.

Who Cannot receive communion?

“Anyone who is aware of having committed a mortal sin must not receive Holy Communion, even if he experiences deep contrition, without having first received sacramental absolution, unless he has a grave reason for receiving Communion and there is no possibility of going to confession,” the Catechism adds.

Do you have to confess before taking Communion?

If you want to receive Communion, do you always have to go to Confession first? The short answer is no—so long as you’re only conscious of having committed venial sins.

How do you do Communion at home?