
What stands between the stage and audience?

What stands between the stage and audience?

Pit (or orchestra pit) The area where musicians sit during a performance. The pit is just off the stage, in a low area between the front of the stage and the audience.

What is the opening between the audience and the stage called?

The pit is usually a large opening ranging from 4–6 feet (1.2–1.8 m) wide, 20–40 feet (6.1–12.2 m) long and 6–10 feet (1.8–3.0 m) deep. Some orchestra pits have lifts or elevators that can raise the floor of the pit up to the same height as the stage. This allows for easier movement of instruments among other things.

What do you call the backstage area on either side of the stage?

The backstage areas of the theatre are known as Rear of House (ROH). FRONT TABS. House curtains. GALLERY. 1) One or more raised seating platforms towards the rear of the auditorium.

What is the area under a stage called?

orchestra pit
This area is known as the apron or forestage. Immediately in front of the stage, or sometimes partly underneath the apron, is the orchestra pit, a sunken area from which the orchestra plays. The stage is broken up into areas known as stage left and stage right and upstage and downstage.

In which the audience is in the three areas?

3 categories of the audience are the lay audience, managerial audience, and expert audience.

What do you call the position of the acting area in relation to the audience?

actor’s position: The orientation of the actor to the audience (e.g., full back, full front, right profile, left profile).

What is the name for where the audience sits?

More specifically, the house refers to any area in the theatre where the audience is seated.

What is it called where the audience sits?

The auditorium (also known as the house) is where the audience sits to watch the performance.

What is the area where the audience sits called?

What type of stage that the audience is on three sides and the stage has an area that?

thrust stage
In theatre, a thrust stage (also known as a platform stage or open stage) is one that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area by its upstage end.