Users' questions

Who built San Pietro in Montorio?

Who built San Pietro in Montorio?

Donato Bramante
Baccio PontelliMeo del Caprino
Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio/Architects

What is significant about Donato Bramante’s shrine to Saint Peter in the cloister at San Pietro in Montorio?

It serves as a shrine, marking the supposed site of St. Peter’s crucifixion.

Who financed the Tempietto?

Tempietto, small circular chapel erected in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio in Rome on the supposed site of the martyrdom of St. Peter. It was commissioned by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and was built in 1502 after designs made by Donato Bramante.

Where is Bramante buried?

St. Peter’s
Bramante died in Rome on 11 April 1514 CE. Appropriately enough, he was buried in St. Peter’s.

What does the Tempietto mark?

The “Tempietto” or little temple is a martyia (a building that commemorates a martyrdom) that marks the traditional site of Saint Peter’s crucifixion. It is perhaps the most perfect expression of Renaissance Italy’s conception of classical harmony and order.

How does Bramante’s Tempietto relate to the martyrdom of St Peter?

Why did Bramante’s plans for the St Peter’s Basilica never come to fruition?

Why did Bramante’s plans for the St. Peter’s Basilica never come to fruition? The pope died and political unrest followed.

Did Bramante died before much work has been done on St Peter’s church?

At the end of 1513, however, when consulted about the cathedral of Foligno (San Feliciano), he was too ill to accept the commission and died the following year. He was buried in St. Peter’s, carried there, according to Vasari, “by the papal court and by all the sculptors, architects, and painters.”

Why was Donato Bramante’s Tempietto commissioned?

Donato Bramante was commissioned by the Spanish royal family in 1502 to build the church and the martyrium on the sacred site, where Saint Peter was believed to have been crucified by the Emperor Nero. Most tourists don’t know of this beautiful must see, so you will most likely have it all to yourself.