
What are some other approaches to autism?

What are some other approaches to autism?

A range of communication-based, behavioural and educational approaches exist such as:

  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • SPELL (Structure, Positive, Empathy, Low arousal, Links)
  • TEACCH (Treatment of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children)
  • Social Stories.
  • speech and language therapy.

What is perception in autism?

Individuals with autism have trouble perceiving the passage of time, and pairing sights and sounds that happen simultaneously, according to two new studies. These timing deficits could underlie some of the cognitive impairments that characterize the disorder, the researchers say.

How do you teach perspective taking autism?


  1. Point out the emotions of others. Show the child when another child is crying and talk about how he feels and why he feels that way.
  2. Read books and talk about how the characters may be feeling in the book.
  3. Talk about your own emotions.
  4. Help the child problem-solve situations to make someone feel better.

What are the four areas of difference for people with autism?

Key Areas of Difference

  • Social Communication. People on the autism spectrum are just as likely as their typically developing peers to enjoy engaging with others in activities that interest them.
  • Behaviour.
  • Information processing.
  • Sensory Differences.

What is the most effective intervention for autism?

The most effective treatments available today are applied behavioral analysis, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, and pharmacological therapy. Treatment works to minimize the impact of the core features and associated deficits of ASD and to maximize functional independence and quality of life.

What are the different types of perception?

Types of Perception

  • Vision.
  • Touch.
  • Sound.
  • Taste.
  • Smell.

What is an example of sensory perception?

Examples include electroreception, the ability to detect electric fields, and magnetoreception, the ability to detect magnetic fields. The entry of sensory nerves into the brain. Among other nerves, the sensory nerves for smell, sight, hearing, and taste (yellow structures) can be seen entering the skull.

What are examples of perspective taking?

For example, a person can understand that from another person’s point of view they can see a dog to the right but from their own point of view the dog is to the left. Studies have since been done to examine when children are able to demonstrate level 1 and level 2 perspective-taking.

What are some examples of perspective?

Perspective is the way that one looks at something. It is also an art technique that changes the distance or depth of an object on paper. An example of perspective is farmer’s opinion about a lack of rain. An example of perspective is a painting where the railroad tracks appear to be curving into the distance.

What are the 3 areas of autism?

Children with autism spectrum condition usually experience difficulty in three main areas: social interaction, social communication and imagination and cognitive flexibility. Each of these diagnostic features can be present in different forms and varying degrees.