Users' questions

What is the buccal space?

What is the buccal space?

The buccal spaces are paired fat-containing spaces on each side of the face forming cheeks. Each space is enveloped by the superficial (investing) layer of the deep cervical fascia. It is located between the buccinator and platysma muscles, therefore it is only a small potential space with limited contents.

Where is the buccal space located?

The buccal space occupies the area between the buccinator muscle medially and overlying facial skin.

Is the buccinator deep to the masseter?

The Buccinator muscle is a bilateral square-shaped muscle constituting the mobile as well as the adaptable cheek area. Superficial to this muscle lies the anterior border of the masseter muscle and more superficial facial muscles.

Where does the buccinator muscle attach?

Buccinator muscle

Origin Superior part: Alveolar process of maxilla Inferior part: Alveolar part of mandible Posterior part: Pterygomandibular raphe, buccinator crest of mandible
Insertion Modiolus, blends with muscles of upper lip
Function Compresses cheek against molar teeth

What is a buccal space infection?

Buccal space infections – These arise primarily from mandibular or maxillary bicuspid or molar teeth, the apices of which lie outside of the buccinator muscle attachments. They are readily diagnosed because of marked cheek swelling but with minimal trismus or systemic symptoms (see Figure 4).

What is submandibular space?

The submandibular space extends from the hyoid bone to the mucosa of the floor of the mouth, and is bound anteriorly and laterally by the mandible and inferiorly by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia.

What nerve pierces the buccinator muscle?

The buccal nerve
On its extracranial course, it divides into three main branches: the buccal, mental, and auriculotemporal nerves. The buccal nerve pierces the skin on the face behind the ramus of the mandible, passes in front of the masseter, and innervates the skin anteriorly of the buccinator muscle.

How do you activate buccinator?

Puffa buccinator exercise Keeping your mouth shut, blow outwards to bulge your cheeks. Hold this position, and relax. Perform ten repetitions, three times per day.

How do you atrophy buccinator?

Mewing involves the following:

  1. rest the whole of your tongue on the roof of you mouth (against the palate – not blocking the airways)
  2. keep your teeth and lips gently closed.
  3. breathe only through your nose.
  4. chew your food well.
  5. swallow chewed food from the back of the mouth without engaging the buccinator or lip muscles.

How do you grow buccinator muscle?

Place the fleshy part of your palms against your cheeks and press slightly inward. Hold while counting to six, and repeat 10 times. This exercise forms part of Deborah Crowley’s Flex Effect facial resistance program, and targets the buccinator muscle, which when firmed will fill out the hollows of cheeks.

How do you treat buccal space infection?

The treatment of fascial space infections includes aggressive intravenous high dose antibiotics (usually penicillin or cephalosporins and metronidazole), analgesic and fluid therapy in addition to establishment of surgical drainage and elimination of the source of infection.

How do you drain buccal space?

It is usually treated by surgical incision and drainage, and the incision is located inside the mouth to avoid a scar on the face. The incision are placed below the parotid papilla to avoid damage to the duct, and forceps are used to divide buccinator and insert a surgical drain into the buccal space.