
Why did the Well-Manicured Man help Mulder?

Why did the Well-Manicured Man help Mulder?

Although the Syndicate’s goals are opposed to those of Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), the Well-Manicured Man will, at times, aid them with clues or information, believing that letting out a certain amount of information would help to keep the two close, and consequently allow for them …

Why is he called the Well-Manicured Man?

As with most Syndicate members, The Well-Manicured Man’s real name is never known: his description comes from the fact that he is so well-groomed, with a clean-shaven face and neatly-made hair.

What is a virus but a colonizing force?

Well-Manicured Man : What is a virus but a colonizing force that cannot be defeated, living in a cave underground until it mutates and attacks.

Do viruses colonize?

According to the International Encyclopedia of Public Health, “viral colonization” takes place when “a person acquires two different viral strains simultaneously.” In other words, when one virus strain or subtype infects a person that is already infected with another strain of the same virus.

What does colonizers in urine mean?

Bacterial colonization in urine is high when the level of bacterial counts is elevated— meaning the number of colonies of a single organism is higher than 100,000 per mL. If the bacteria level in your urine is high and it’s causing physical symptoms, you have a symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI).

What is the difference between infection and disease?

Infection, often the first step, occurs when bacteria, viruses or other microbes that cause disease enter your body and begin to multiply. Disease occurs when the cells in your body are damaged — as a result of the infection — and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.

How can you tell if urine is colonized?

Bacterial colonization in urine is high when the level of bacterial counts is elevated— meaning the number of colonies of a single organism is higher than 100,000 per mL….Signs might include:

  1. Cloudy urine.
  2. Increased odor of urine.
  3. Change in color, such as when the urine becomes more concentrated and dark.

What is the difference between infection and colonization?

Infection means that germs are in or on the body and make you sick, which results in signs and symptoms such as fever, pus from a wound, a high white blood cell count, diarrhea, or pneumonia. Colonization means germs are on the body but do not make you sick. People who are colonized will have no signs or symptoms.

Why do we use STI instead of STD?

Some people prefer the term STI because they believe it is more accurate. Not everyone with an infection develops symptoms, and since there is technically no disease without symptoms, they say that STI is the more scientifically accurate term.