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What is the difference between Digimon dawn and dusk?

What is the difference between Digimon dawn and dusk?

The big difference is in who your lead digimon is. If you’re playing Dawn, you get a light-based digimon as your lead. If you’re playing Dusk, you get a dark-based digimon. The two cities each specialize in four different digimon types, which we will discuss below.

How do you get Digieggs in Digimon World Dawn?

When using the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection you can use the Digimon Matching option to have one of your Digimon and a friend’s Digimon make a Digi-Egg.

How do you get DotAgumon?

To get DotAgumon, you must go to the wireless center and go to up the stairs there, where there will be a portal-like device. Entering the code 20000630 will allow you to receive DotAgumon.

How do you get ChaosGallantmon?

ChaosGallantmon digivolves from Megidramon. In order to digivolve into ChaosGallantmon, your Digimon must be at least level 51 with 250 attack and a level cap of 62. It can be hatched from the Chaos DigiEgg.

How do you get Anubismon in Digimon World Dusk?

Anubismon digivolves from Karatenmon. In order to digivolve into Anubismon, your Digimon must be at least level 41 with 200 attack, 210 speed, and 4 aptitude, but only once you have revived Anubismon. It can be hatched from the Mummymon DigiEgg.

How do you get digi egg in dusk?

In Digimon World Dawn and Dusk, the Digi-Egg of Courage is found in a chest in Palette Amazon, and can be used to digivolve Gatomon, Wormmon, Veemon, and Hawkmon to Lynxmon, Shadramon, Flamedramon, and Allomon.

How do you get Magnamon in Digimon World Dawn?

In order to digivolve to Magnamon, your Digimon must be at least level 40, with 10000 Holy experience. Magnamon can DNA digivolve to Alphamon with DoruGreymon or MagnaAngemon, or to Susanoomon with SuperStarmon. Magnamon can be hatched from the Golden Egg.

How do you get a dot in Digimon?

To get DotAgumon, you must go to the wireless centre and go to up the stairs there, where there will be a portal-like device. Entering the code 20000630 will allow you to receive DotAgumon.