
What is an issue-specific security policy?

What is an issue-specific security policy?

The issue-specific security policy is a security policy that provides detailed targeted guidance to instruct employees in the proper use of a resource, such as an information asset or technology. It articulates the organization’s expectations about how its technology-based resources should be used.

What is an example of issue-specific policy?

The issue-specific policy on unofficial software, for example, might include procedural guidelines for checking disks brought to work that had been used by employees at other locations.

What are the components of issue-specific security policies?

Lesson Summary Components of a solid ISSP include a statement of purpose or what the policy covers specifically; employees’ access and usage information; what can and cannot be done with company technology; the repercussions of violating the policy; and a liability statement that protects the business.

What is the purpose of a SysSP?

The SysSP Explained The SysSP is more like a manual of procedures for how systems should be configured or maintained. For example, in our lesson’s opener, Jordan was using an SysSP to determine how to select and set up her company’s firewall.

What is the purpose of an SysSP?

Unlike an Enterprise Information Security Policy or even an Issue-Specific Security Policy, a System-Specific Security Policy, frequently abbreviated SysSP, has a look all its own. The SysSP is more like a manual of procedures for how systems should be configured or maintained.

What is the purpose of issue-specific policy?

An issue-specific policy [is] intended to address specific needs within an organization, such as a password policy. addresses issues of current relevance and concern to the agency. Issue-specific policy statements are likely to be limited, particular, and rapidly changing.

What are the three types of security policies site one example?

Security policy types can be divided into three types based on the scope and purpose of the policy:

  • Organizational. These policies are a master blueprint of the entire organization’s security program.
  • System-specific.
  • Issue-specific.

What are major security policies?

15 Must-Have Information Security Policies

  • Acceptable Encryption and Key Management Policy.
  • Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Clean Desk Policy.
  • Data Breach Response Policy.
  • Disaster Recovery Plan Policy.
  • Personnel Security Policy.
  • Data Backup Policy.
  • User Identification, Authentication, and Authorization Policy.

What is ISSP in information security?

Description. The Information System Security Plan ( ISSP ) must fully identify and describe the controls currently in place or planned for the system and should include a list of rules or behavior. The existence of, and adherence to, an ISSP is a fundamental requirement in system security certification.

What are some examples of security policies?

Clear Screen Policy: As per this policy,the desktop has to be kept clean,and no critical file should be kept there.

  • Clean Desk Policy: Everyone has to ensure that they are not leaving any critical file or data while leaving their desks.
  • Email Policy: The official ID should not be used for any personal use.
  • What should be detailed in a security policy?

    – Compare the organization’s cybersecurity policy to actual practices – Determine the organization’s exposure to internal threats – Evaluate the risk of external security threats

    How to create an effective information security policy?

    To establish a general approach to information security.

  • To detect and forestall the compromise of information security such as misuse of data,networks,computer systems,and applications.
  • To protect the reputation of the company with respect to its ethical and legal responsibilities.
  • What should a cyber security policy include?

    – Understand your compliance requirements and align your policies with them. If you don’t know where to start, applicable compliance mandates are a good place. – Understand your infrastructure. – Clearly identify security controls. – Clearly identify employees’ roles and responsibilities. – Outline acceptable use conditions.