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What happens in Act 3 of Tartuffe?

What happens in Act 3 of Tartuffe?

Orgon’s son Damis is raving because he has just heard of his father’s plan to force Mariane to marry Tartuffe. The hot-tempered Damis is determined to hear the conference, and when Dorine cannot get rid of him, she hides him in the closet when she hears Tartuffe coming. …

Why does Tartuffe give Dorine a handkerchief?

By Molière Tartuffe can’t stand the sight of Dorine’s breasts, and he gives her a handkerchief to cover her bosom; he says the sight of it creates unclean thoughts – no doubt in his dirty mind. Dorine calls him out and says that she would feel nothing if he were prancing around naked.

What is Molière satirizing in Tartuffe?

Moliere and Voltaire successfully satirize their views on religious hypocrisy and moderation in Tartuffe and Candide. With each of their works, they hoped to get a message out to society that would catch attention as both did with the amount of controversy their works caused.

Which powerful entity became angry with Molière because of Tartuffe?

Powerful religious factions were disrupting society under the pretext of moral reform. Fanaticism had cost Molière his first patron, the Princede Conti, who experienced a religious awakening that lead him to condemn the theatre and foster an enmity toward Molière that continued through the Tartuffe scandal.

What does Tartuffe want to reveal to Elmire?

Tartuffe exposes his true nature to Elmire. He humbly insists his numerous prayers for her recovery were too unworthy in God’s eyes to have been responsible for it. Elmire wants to discuss “a private matter” and expresses the hope that “you’ll be entirely unconstrained and frank.”

What does Dorine do in Tartuffe?

Dorine is a stock character found in many of Molière’s comedies and, in fact, has become a type found in comedies of all periods. She is the wise servant who sees through all pretense, and while being the inferior, in terms of social position, she is the superior in any contest of wits.

What happens Tartuffe?

Tartuffe is a wanderer whom Orgon takes into his home. Tartuffe impresses Orgon with his devout religious and moral beliefs and behavior. As a result of his carefully constructed persona, Tartuffe becomes adored by both Orgon, and his mother, Madame Pernelle.

How does Tartuffe satire religion?

Moliere’s Tartuffe is a satire based on religious hypocrisy. Every character is essential in Tartuffe. In other words, a satire is defined as literary work that uses humor to point out the foolishness of a person or just in human nature. Religious hypocrisy can be self-defined as a false assumption of a person.

What does Tartuffe pretend to be?

Tartuffe pretends to be a pious man whose life is devoted to religious worship and moral behavior. Tartuffe met Orgon at a church, where he made such a show of religious devotion that Orgon decided to take him into his home as a religious guide.

What does the character of Cléante symbolize?

The brother of Elmire (and brother-in-law of Orgon), Cléante represents the height of reason and good sense. Throughout the play he attempts to counsel his brother-in-law against Tartuffe, but is inevitably ignored or even scolded.