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What is the anger Expression Scale?

What is the anger Expression Scale?

Anger Expression Scale (AX; Spielberger et al., 1986). The AX is a 24-item scale initially designed to measure a single dimension of anger expression. The STAS is a 20-item scale, with half the items proposed to measure state anger and the other half trait anger.

How is the clinical anger scale scored?

Scoring and interpretation The CAS score is simply the sum of the item scores. Thus, scores on the CAS can range from 0 to 63. A higher score means that the participant has more anger symptoms. In student samples, the average CAS lies around 10 points.

What is the Novaco anger Scale?

The Novaco Anger Scale (NAS) is a self-report questionnaire with Cognitive, Arousal, and Behavioral subscales that constitute a 48-item NAS Total score. It has a separate 12-item Anger Regulation subscale. The PI assesses self-reported anger intensity in response to provoking situations.

What is State-Trait anger?

Trait anger refers to a chronic, long-standing personality characteristic that shows up as an almost constant tendency to become angry at the slightest provocation. State anger refers to temporary, short-lasting outbursts of anger. People with high trait anger have very low boiling points.

What is Children’s inventory of anger?

The Children’s Inventory of Anger is a self-report inventory identifies the kinds of situations that provoke anger in particular children–as well as the intensity of their anger response. Yet it contains only 39 items and requires just 10 minutes to complete.

How do you find a psychological scale?

First Steps

  1. Look for peer-reviewed journals in PsycInfo, Cinahl, ERIC or another scholarly database.
  2. See the page below this one, Special databases for measurement reviews/information, for further sources and information on measures.
  3. Search the dissertation database, Proquest Dissertations & Theses.

What is anger rumination scale?

The Anger Rumination Scale was constructed to measure the tendency to focus attention on angry moods, recall past anger experiences, and think about the causes and consequences of anger episodes.

Is anger a mental disorder?

Anger itself doesn’t constitute a mental disorder, so there’s no set diagnosis for anger problems in the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

How do you score the CAS?

CAS scores is accomplished through the following interpretive ranges: 0-13 – minimal clinical anger; 14-19 – mild clinical anger; 20-28 – moderate clinical anger; and 29-63 – severe clinical anger.

What are the different types of anger issues?

Here are 6 common types of anger issues

  • Type 1: Assertive Anger. Assertive anger is actually considered to be a constructive type of anger expression.
  • Type 2: Behavioral Anger.
  • Type 3: Chronic Anger.
  • Type 4: Passive-Aggressive Anger.
  • Type 5: Retaliatory Anger.
  • Type 6: Self-abusive anger.

What is anger According to Psychology?

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.