
What are African beads used for?

What are African beads used for?

In Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, and other West African countries, waist beads are a symbol of femininity, fertility, sensuality, and spiritual well-being. Today, in both Africa and the United States, women use waist beads for aesthetic and practical purposes.

Does waist bead prevent pregnancy?

Pregnancy – waist beads are believed to enhance fertility. It could be because the sexual attractiveness of the beads increases the rate of sexual intercourse between couples. However, the beads are said to be laced with charms that promote fertility, protect pregnancy and make child-bearing easy.

What do black waist beads mean?

Power and protection

Do waist beads make your waist smaller?

As far a waist training, waist beads are being used more and more in North America as a way to control weight gain and shrink your waist. Naturally, as the beads get tighter, you know you’re gaining a few pounds. So you can nip that weight gain in the bud before you’re struggling to button your jeans.

What is the importance of waist beads?

In West Africa, the tradition was made popular by the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria. They are worn as a celebration of womanhood, sexuality, femininity, fertility, healing, spirituality, body shaping, protection and wealth. Sexual Appeal: It is believed that a woman in waist beads is sexually appealing to men.

Does Waist Beads shape your body?

Measurements and Body Shaping It is said that the beads shape your body and keep the waist small and hips accentuated. It was (and still is) used as a measurement tool. The beads do not stretch, so if/when the waist beads start to feel a little tight, it’s a sign that there was some weight gain, and vice versa.

How tight should your waist beads be?

Depending on how you want to wear your waistbeads, you can measure yourself above your navel, just at your navel, or right above your hips. Use a tape measure and measure against your bare skin without sucking in your stomach. You shouldn’t hold the tape loose nor too snug. Think about where you want to wear the beads.

Can I wear waist beads if Im not African?

You do not have to be African to wear waist beads, nor do you have to wear waist beads for its traditional purposes. We want to celebrate the historical culture of African waist beads while giving a greater audience the chance to learn about its origins, adopt this form of body adornment, and make it their own!

How do I choose my waist beads?

Count to 3 and open your eyes and identify the first color your eyes see on the chart. This is the chakra that may be blocked, overactive or underactive. Read the descriptions for the color/chakra and choose your waist beads BELOW in that color that call to you! Time to choose your Chakra Color!

Does Waist Beads help you lose weight?

Waist beads do help with weight loss and tracking your progress. The beads fall lower on your waist as you shed inches and pounds so you can visible see your weight loss. Waist beads roll higher on your waist when as you gain weight.

What can I do with loose beads?

transform your beads into something else….Just for Fun: 10 Other Uses for Beads

  1. Hood Ornament.
  2. Beaded Cards.
  3. Star Trek Figures.
  4. Weight Management Tool.
  5. Coasters.
  6. Beaded Guitar Straps.
  7. Game Pieces.
  8. Counting Lesson.

How much do waist beads cost?

This can range anywhere from $5 to $20, depending on what you are comfortable with charging, but I encourage new artists to charge at least $8 to $10 an hour for their time.

Can you wear waist beads in the shower?

It is perfectly fine to bathe, shower, swim, exercise, and have sex in traditional African waist beads strung on cotton string. Once tied on securely they become an intimate extension of you, and you do everything in them. Just be mindful not to yank on them while pulling your pants down to use the bathroom.

How are beads used today?

Beads are used as clothing accessories which greatly adds to the eye-appeal and the value of the clothing or item. More people are now using beads as a material for decorating household ornaments or art that they create, too. They are made of a variety of natural and synthetic materials.

Is waist bead a sin?

African tradition, supports the wearing of waist beads. As such, waist beads, can never be a sin. In the book of Exodus God instructed Moses to tell all the Egyptians to take articles of Gold, silver and clothing from the Egyptians.

Why do ladies wear beads on their legs?

Similar to a wedding ring, the anklet was a way of expressing an one’s marital status which their grooms gift them as a symbol of love and a way of him saying he wants to he her husband. Although, there is no rule to which ankle you wear the anklet; but most women wear the anklet on their right ankle.

What beads symbolize?

Beads, whether sewn on apparel or worn on strings, have symbolic meanings that are far removed from the simplistic empiricism of the Western anthropologist. They, or pendants, may for instance be protective, warding off evil spirits or spells, or they can be good luck charms.

How many waist beads should I wear?

How many should I wear? You can wear as few or as many waist beads as you feel comfortable in. Most women wear about 3 strands.

Do you wear waist beads all the time?

You can wear your waist beads all day, everyday. They may dull after time from showering, if that happens just polish them with a cloth. If you do want to take them off from time to time you’ll want to tie them loosely from the beginning and then just pull them up and off like a shirt.

What are spiritual beads?

What are mala beads? Mala beads, also sometimes known as Buddhist prayer beads, are long necklace-type tools traditionally used for mantra practice and meditation. During meditation, practitioners pass each bead between their thumb and finger to count a breath or mantra.

How do you bless waist beads?

When you receive your Waistbeads Bless & Cleanse them with a spiritual cleansing agent that washes away negative energy, for example, Florida water, Sprinkle saltwater, smudge/sage wand, oil, or use a perfume or oil, that is special to you (but not too much).