
What is the meaning of vivid language?

What is the meaning of vivid language?

Vivid language consists of the descriptive adjectives that bring your experience to life for the reader. Look at what you have written and see if the words are sufficient to put your reader in the moment with you, as if he or she could see what you saw during your experience.

What are the 9 types of figurative language?

Types of Figurative LanguageSimile.Metaphor.Personification.Onomatopoeia.Oxymoron.Hyperbole.Allusion.Idiom.

What are some examples of a simile?

Following are some more examples of similes regularly used in writing:You were as brave as a lion.They fought like cats and dogs.He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.This house is as clean as a whistle.He is as strong as an ox.Your explanation is as clear as mud.Watching the show was like watching grass grow.

How do you identify a hyperbole?

Hyperbole, from a Greek word meaning “excess,” is a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to make a point or show emphasis. It is the opposite of understatement. You can find examples of hyperbole in literature and everyday speech.