Users' questions

How was the American Revolution like a civil war?

How was the American Revolution like a civil war?

What made the American Revolution look most like a civil war, though, was the reality that about one-third of the colonists, known as loyalists (or Tories), continued to support and fought on the side of the crown. Learn more about loyalists. Read about the fate of the loyalists after the American Revolution.

How was the Civil War different from the Revolutionary War?

Both civil war and revolution stem from a popular malcontent within a given country but, while the revolution is almost always directed against the current government, civil wars can be fought among different ethnic and religious factions, and might not be directly against the government or the governing minority.

What is the DAR essay contest?

The American History Essay Contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation’s great history and learn about history in a new light. This contest is open to students in public, private, and parochial schools, and registered home-study programs.

Was the American Revolution a revolution or a civil war?

The American Revolution, while not often called a civil war by modern historians, was referred to as a civil war in its first year, until William Henry Drayton, South Carolina’s chief justice, first used the term “American Revolution” in 1776. One major difference between the two terms is length.

Why would the American Revolution be considered a civil war?

Yes, technically it was a civil war. As you said, it was British colonists rebelling against Britain as a whole. They viewed themselves as British at the time, the colonists just wanted to be sovereign and not to be ruled by a monarch across an ocean. It was only years later that this was named the Revolutionary War.

Was the American Revolution really revolutionary or was it a civil war?

What is the DAR Good Citizen Award?

The DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest, created in 1934, is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities.

Why was the American Revolution successful?

The American Revolution was a successful revolt of the colonies and their mother country in a fight for their independence. It was successful, because the new independent country known as the United States of America was formed, and can still be seen today. However, the revolution goes very in depth on how it happened.

Was the American Revolution justified why or why not?

The American Revolution was justified because the colonists were not being treaty fairy and equally by the British. And according to Jefferson, “people being oppressed have a moral obligation to rebel against their oppressors”.

What was the biggest impact of the Civil War?

The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America’s emergence as a world power in the 20th century.

What is the difference between a revolution and a civil war?

A revolution is a battle fought in hopes of a new system, by overthrowing a government and a civil war is fought between people of the same country. The Civil War and the American Revolution were both wars, battles fought in seek of change.

What was new in warfare during the Civil War?

Something new to warfare during the Civil War were submarines and ironclad ships which would change the way ships were used in war. The main turning point of the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Saratoga and for the Civil War the Battle of Gettysburg.

What caused the Civil War?

The Civil War was caused by a division between the North and the South, with the main battle being over slavery. The northern states of the Americas were moving more toward industry, slaves were not needed and many thought that slavery was wrong.