
What country code is 00 353?

What country code is 00 353?

Ireland Country Code 353 – Worldometer.

What area code is China?

+86China / Dialing code
China’s country code is 86. Each Chinese city has its own area code. Below is a list of the area code for major cities. China Postal codes are a numeric six-digit system for the whole country.

How do I dial to China?

To dial a fixed location phone — use the exit code of China (00) + the code of your country + area code of the town/city (without the preceding zero) + the local number itself. To dial a mobile phone — use the exit code of China (00) + the code of your country + the number itself (without the preceding zero).

What country code is +353?

To call Ireland from the U.S., just follow these simple dialing directions:

  1. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code.
  2. Next dial 353, the country code for Ireland.
  3. Then dial the area code (1–2 digits — please see a sample calling code list below)
  4. and finally the phone number (mostly 7 digits).

Where is area code 353 in the US?

The country that uses the +353 area code is Ireland. It is an area code that looks unfamiliar to those in North America, but calling Ireland is not as difficult as it sounds. When you want to use +353 area code, there is a process that you will have to undergo to reach the number that you are dialing.

How do I dial to China from the US?

Follow these steps to call China:

  1. Dial the exit code 011. This will let your carrier know you’re going to make an international call.
  2. Dial 86, the country code for China. This lets your carrier know you’re going to call China from the US.
  3. Enter the area code.
  4. Dial the phone number.

How do I dial a +86 number?

To call China from the U.S., just follow these simple dialing directions:

  1. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code.
  2. Next dial 86, the country code for China.
  3. Then dial the area code (2–4 digits — please see a sample calling code list below).
  4. Finally dial the phone number (6–8 digit telephone number).

What do you put after 353?

If calling the Republic of Ireland from abroad all numbers must be prefixed with 00 353 (drop the first 0 of the local code. For example, the local number 01 344 1111 would need to be dialled as 00 353 1 344 1111 from a foreign phone).