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What is the full meaning of adolescent?

What is the full meaning of adolescent?

adolescence, transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19. This age range falls within WHO’s definition of young people, which refers to individuals between ages 10 and 24.

What is educated in Arabic?

“educated” in Arabic educative {adj.} AR. volume_up. تَكْوينيّ

What is NIC in Arabic?

Noun. نيك نك

What do you call someone who is adolescent?

Adolescent is just a fancy word for teenager — someone who is no longer a child but is not yet an adult. If one adult says to another “You’re acting very adolescent” that means “You’re acting childish.” Adolescent means something close to juvenile, another word that refers to young people and childish people.

What is adolescence education?

Adolescence Education (AE) is guided by the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005 which recommends that education should instil ‘independence of thought and action, sensitivity to others’ well-being and feelings, learning to respond to new situations in a flexible and creative manner, predisposition towards …

What is the difference between adolescence and adolescent?

Adolescence is the period of human psychological and physical development that occurs between the onset of puberty and adulthood. Adolescents is the plural form of the word adolescent. Adolescents comes from the Latin word adolescentem which means growing, near maturity.

Is adolescent a positive word?

Connotation is the associated meaning of the word beyond the literal definition. “Youth” = positive connotation (or association); “Juvenile” = negative connotation; “Adolescent” = neutral connotation.

What is the difference between adolescent and adolescence?

Why is education important in adolescence?

Education is viewed as critical to improving many aspects of the transition of adolescents to adulthood and quality of life. Improvements in health and survival have ensured for a great many more infants and children the opportunity to enjoy life into adolescence and beyond.

What is the nature of adolescence?

Adolescence is a distinctive developmental period involving rapid growth, learning and neurobiological changes, with the potential for both positive and negative outcomes.