
Do citations go after quotes?

Do citations go after quotes?

Place a parenthetical citation either immediately after the quotation or at the end of the sentence. For a narrative citation, include the author and year in the sentence and then place the page number or other location information in parentheses after the quotation.

How do you direct quote in an essay?

Whenever you use a direct quote, acknowledge the quote by placing it inside quotation marks and naming the author. Whenever you paraphrase content – ideas, written text, or thoughts – place the credit within your research paper where your paraphrase occurs and at the end of the paper in the bibliography.

When should you use direct quotations?

Use an indirect quotation (or paraphrase) when you merely need to summarize key incidents or details of the text. Use direct quotations when the author you are quoting has coined a term unique to her or his research and relevant within your own paper.

What is the difference between direct and indirect characterization?

Direct characterization, or explicit characterization, describes the character through their physical description, line of work, or passions and pursuits. Indirect characterization describes a character through their thoughts, actions, speech, and dialogue.