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Which is correct spelling or spellings?

Which is correct spelling or spellings?

It’s true; the American English past tense form is spelled. In other varieties of English, both spelled and spelt are common. So, if you’re in the United States, you would probably write it like this: The past tense of the verb “spell” can be spelled in two ways.

Is thoroughly the correct spelling?

Correct spelling for the English word “thoroughly” is [θˈʌɹəli], [θˈʌɹəli], [θ_ˈʌ_ɹ_ə_l_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is Boyle’s spelling?

Boyle. / (bɔɪl) /

What is the correct spelling for audacity?

noun, plural au·dac·i·ties. boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.

What is the spelling of 8?

Number Name 1 to 50 in English

1 = One 11 = Eleven 31 = Thirty-one
7 = Seven 17 = Seventeen 37 = Thirty-seven
8 = Eight 18 = Eighteen 38 = Thirty-eight
9 = Nine 19 = Nineteen 39 = Thirty-nine
10 = Ten 20 = Twenty 40 = Forty

Is spellings a real word?

1. the practice of spelling in a way contrary to standard usage. 2. the use of the same letters or combinations of letters to represent different sounds, as in English tough and dough.

Is it thoroughly or throughly?

Throughly, commonly spelled thoroughly, is defined as done completely. An example of throughly is a science project that underwent the entire scientific method and reached conclusive results.

What does throughly mean?

Definition of throughly archaic. : in a thorough manner.

How do you spell Miss Boyle?

Susan Magdalane Boyle (born 1 April 1961) is a Scottish singer….

Susan Boyle
Website susanboylemusic.com

How do I use audacity in Word?

Audacity sentence example

  1. I can’t believe she had the audacity to ask me to do her work for her.
  2. Amanda had the audacity to show up to the party, despite the fact that she was not invited.
  3. It required some audacity for a young child to jump from the high dive.
