
What is self-concept in consumer Behaviour?

What is self-concept in consumer Behaviour?

Self-concept is how a consumer sees and feels about him / herself, both the actual self and the ideal self he or she would like to become. It includes personality, abilities, occupation, and the various personal and professional roles the consumer takes on. Consumers use products to support their self-concepts.

How personality and self-concept affects consumer behavior?

To understand a buyer needs and convert them into customers is the main purpose of the consumer behavior study. Personality shows the individual choices for various products and brands. It helps the marketers in deciding when and how to promote the product.

How does self-concept affect Behaviour?

Self-concept heavily influences behavior because it causes a person to dictate to themselves what they may or may not be able to accomplish through self-categorization. Every person holds beliefs and biases of different categories in their life, whether they are aware of them or not.

What are the four self concepts?

The components of self-concept are identity, body image, self-esteem, and role performance.

What are the six types of self-concept in consumer behaviour?

Actual self: How a person actually perceives himself. Ideal self: How a person would like to perceive himself. Social self: How a person thinks others perceive him. Ideal social self: How a person would like others to perceive him.

How self-concept can be used for developing marketing strategy?

Self-concept shapes the process of creating a product image and designing a branding strategy to a considerable extent. To be more specific, it helps make the said product or service not only desirable but also vital for the successful functioning of the target population.

What are the 3 characteristics of self-concept?

Self-concept is an individual’s knowledge of who he or she is. According to Carl Rogers, self-concept has three components: self-image, self-esteem, and the ideal self. Self-concept is active, dynamic, and malleable. It can be influenced by social situations and even one’s own motivation for seeking self-knowledge.

What is self-concept and why is it important?

Self concept is who we think we are, the picture we have of ourselves, plus the picture we think others have of us. Self concept plays an important part in our overall wellness. It affects the ways we look at our body, how we express ourselves and interact with our friends, and it even influences how we make decisions.

What are the 4 types of consumer self-image?

As Figure 3.2 “The Configuration of Private and Public Self-Images That Comprise the Consumer’s Holistic Self-Image” suggests, there are four major types of self-image that play a part in consumer behavior: actual self, ideal self, social self, and ideal social self.