Users' questions

How do I make a to do list on my iPhone?

How do I make a to do list on my iPhone?

How to create a checklist

  1. Open the Notes app.
  2. Tap the Compose button. to create a new note.
  3. Enter a title and tap return.
  4. Tap the Checklist button. to start the list. Each time you tap return, a new item is added to the list.
  5. Tap the empty circle to mark an item as complete.

How do I create a Grocery list on my iPhone?

The first thing you’ll need to do is go to the Reminders app and create a new List called “Grocery” (tap on the Lists button near the top left, then tap the Edit button in the top right, tap Create New List to create your new list, then tap the Done button).

Is there a Grocery list app that works with Siri?

Grocery is the powerful iOS shopping list app that not only makes grocery shopping a breeze, but helps with meal planning and recipe management too. Grocery is built on top of Apple’s Reminders app, so it integrates with your other task lists and features rock-solid Siri support.

How do I share a shopping list with someone?

With the default Google Shopping List, access it from under the ‘Services’ tab as described above. When you open the list, there should be a ‘Share’ button at the top. Tap it and you’ll be able to enter the name or email of the person you want to share with. Add all the emails you want then hit enter.

How do I make a list on my phone?

Create a new list

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Keep app .
  2. Next to “Take a note,” tap New list .
  3. Add a title and items to your list.
  4. When you’re done, tap Back .

How do I create a To-Do list?

Get More Done: Try These 10 Simple Tips for Better To-Do Lists

  1. Choose the Right App (or Paper)
  2. Make More Than One List.
  3. Write Down Your Tasks as Soon as You Think of Them.
  4. Assign Due Dates.
  5. Revise Your To-Do Lists Daily.
  6. Limit Yourself to 3–5 Tasks Daily.
  7. Put Tasks on Your To-Do List, Not Goals.

How do I make a shopping list on my phone?

To create a list, open up Google Home on your phone:

  1. Tap the Menu (hamburger) button.
  2. Under Google Assistant, tap Shopping List. You’ll be prompted to open a new window in Chrome.
  3. In the Window that opens up, tap New List.
  4. You can enter the name of the list, and optionally, make that list your primary list.

How do I use Siri with groceries app?

Siri. You can add items to your shopping lists using Siri on your iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Apple Watch. You must already have installed the OurGroceries app on your device. To enable this feature, launch the iOS “Settings” app, find “OurGroceries”, find “Siri & Search”, and turn on “Use with Ask Siri”.