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What percentage of people have a pyramidal lobe?

What percentage of people have a pyramidal lobe?

Introduction. T he pyramidal lobe is an accessory lobe of the thyroid gland and an embryological remnant of the thyroglossal duct, and an estimated 50%–70% of people have a pyramidal lobe (1).

Is pyramidal lobe normal?

The pyramidal lobe of thyroid (also known as Lalouette pyramid 5) is a normal anatomic variant representing a superior sliver of thyroid tissue arising from the thyroid isthmus. It is seen as a third thyroid lobe and is present in 10-30% of the population.

What is a pyramidal lobe?

The pyramidal lobe is a remnant of the thyroglossal duct and is considered a normal component of the thyroid gland. The pyramidal lobe may be affected by the diseases that affect the rest of the thyroid parenchyma.

What is accessory thyroid?

Abstract. Accessory thyroid tissue is a rare congenital anomaly due to developmental defect in thyroid gland. Accessory, aberrant, or ectopic thyroid refers to the presence of thyroid tissue in locations other than the normal anterior neck region between the second and fourth tracheal cartilages.

What does the thyroglossal duct do?

The thyroglossal duct is an embryological anatomical structure forming an open connection between the initial area of development of the thyroid gland and its final position.

Does the thyroid play a role in growth and development?

Thyroid hormones modulate energy metabolism and importantly influence growth and development.

What is thyroid ima artery?

Thyroidea ima is a rare anomalous artery supplying the thyroid gland apart from the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. They most commonly arise from the innominate, aortic arch, right common carotid or subclavian artery.

What are the four infrahyoid muscles?

There are four strap muscles:

  • thyrohyoid: deep and lateral.
  • omohyoid: superficial and lateral.
  • sternohyoid: superficial and medial.
  • sternothyroid: deep and medial.

Is thyroglossal duct cyst hereditary?

Familial thyroglossal duct cyst is a rare hereditary form of a benign congenital neck mass, known as a thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC). TDC is the most common congenital midline neck mass in the pediatric population. They usually present in children, around 6 years of age, but rarely, they may present in adulthood.