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How is mycoplasma pneumonia treated in pigs?

How is mycoplasma pneumonia treated in pigs?

Antibiotics. Antibiotics are frequently used to treat pneumonia in pigs. Many antibiotics appear to be effective against M. hyopneumoniae in the laboratory.

How do you treat Mycoplasma in swine?


  1. Mycoplasma hyosynoviae is susceptible to lincomycin or tiamulin injections.
  2. Give daily for four days in the early course of the disease. If the lameness is due to Mycoplasma hyosynoviae there should be a good response within 24 to 36 hours.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in pigs?

Coughing and “thumping”(shallow, rapid breathing) are typical symptoms of pneumonia in swine. As the pneumonia becomes more severe, appe- tite and growth rate decrease, feed is utilized less effi- ciently, hogs may become chronic poor-doers, death may occur and treatment and control costs escalate.

What causes mycoplasma pneumonia in pigs?

Individual pigs or groups sporadically develop severe pneumonia. Common predisposing factors are season and other stresses such a transient viral infections, parasitic migration, and mixing pigs. The disease is usually more severe when it first enters a naive herd.

How long does pig pneumonia last?

Wide spread coughing and depression may be seen. In the case of a breakdown with enzootic pneumonia (in a herd that was previously free) the onset may be insidious with some inappetence but a gradual spreading cough over a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

How do you treat pneumonia in pigs?


  1. Lincomycin – In feed, water, or by injection. – Spectinomycin – Injection.
  2. Tiamulin – In feed, water, or by injection.
  3. Tylosin – In feed, water, or by injection.
  4. Chlortetracycline – In feed, or water.
  5. Oxytetracycline – In feed, water, or by injection.

What do I do if my pig has pneumonia?

What is mycoplasma in pigs?

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the primary pathogen of enzootic pneumonia, a chronic respiratory disease in pigs. Infections with M. hyopneumoniae are highly prevalent in almost all swine producing areas, and they cause significant economic losses due to increased medication use and decreased performance of the pigs.

How do pigs catch pneumonia?

Most pneumonia is caused by specific causal agents. In almost all cases, pneumonia is transmissible from pig to pig by aerosol, contact with other pigs and the oronasal route, with some infection possible from contaminated water, feed, clothing and implements.